Tradurre   11 anni fa

A Forgotten Balance This is a 'prologue' i guess, to my newest piece of writing... I might actually finish this one too... The Earth's surface was once cold and empty, no #life had ever been set upon it's vast oceans or the masses of it's land. No grass grew, not even weeds nor trees had #life. Every day the Sun would look down upon the lonely Earth, and every night the Moon would do the same until both the Sun and the Moon felt empty themselves, and met. Sun and Moon, side by side in the sky, tried to figure out what to do to stop this feeling. "What if we decorate her with beautiful colours"? Asked the sun, whom was glowing with her idea. The moon, who was old and wise, sighed deeply in thought then his voice boomed "how will your colours get to the Earth"? The Sun had not thought of that and skimmed for ideas. To be continued when I find the universal cure for writers block

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