Fantasia Preface I have always thought that if you were undead you had no soul. I was right until the day I met Fantasia, a sixteen year old vampire with long flowing, golden red hair. For me meeting Fantasia was the best day ever but it is a rather long story so... Shall we get started? Chapter one We met last year, a group of friends and I were in the woods climbing trees, practicing archery, and hunting. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and tripped. "Ow who put this log here?" I was alone as I said this outloud, which to be honest I personally do that a lot. Anyway, after looking at the log I tripped over, I took a closer look “Hey guys, come here” I shouted to my friends to show them my treasure. “Hey man, what’d you find?” asked my closest pal Austin. “Okay tell me what you see right here” I told Austin so he would have the same reaction that I had. “I see a log. Why am I looking at a log?” I could tell that Austin was mad. “Dude look closer” as I brushed her hair to the side I saw her true beauty “Austin, now what do you see?” Austin stood there speechless at the beauty I found unconscious in the woods just after tripping over her. Lucky for Fantasia, and I, we all had the same idea. My friends helped me pick her up and bring her to a small hut in Austin’s backyard. About twenty minutes after getting Fantasia to the hut, she started to gain consciousness again. The others were outside and I told them that I would stay with her until she woke up, then slowly she said, “Who are you? How did I get here?” as I explained everything to her she actually understood, smiling at me the girl stated, “Hi thank you for tripping on me and taking me out of the woods, by the way my name is Fantasia.” Not that long after she woke up Austin and the guys came in the hut that Fantasia and I were in. “Guys this is Fantasia, Fantasia these are my friends; Austin, Ryker, Evan, Travis, Tyler, and Chase.” Mainly Austin was mesmerized by her, but Tyler the youngest of us soon piped in “Hi Fantasia it’s nice to meet you.” “ it’s nice to meet you to Tyler.” Then from that moment on Fantasia and I have been talking non stop. Even though we were talking everyday I knew that she was still hiding something from me and I was determined to find out what it was. Chapter Two In order to get to the bottom of what Fantasia was hiding from me I had to get some help so as the alpha male of the pack I called an emergency pack meeting to get my friends to help me find out what Fantasia was hiding. “ Guys I know that Fantasia is hiding something from me I mean us. I can sense it” as I told the pack what I was thinking to find out what she was hiding, Austin had his own idea "what if we had a stakeout and we follow her and see what she does." That was an idea that was better than what I came up with and everyone seemed to like it. So that night we talked about where everyone would stand for their position in the stakeout and when the stakeout would start. The next day in school I was shocked when Fantasia asked me to talk in private. "Fantasia, is everything okay?" Fantasia clearly had no idea what to say but she finally found the words to say it, "Brady, you and I both know... I mean we have been texting non stop and I think…” Lucky I knew what Fantasia was trying to say. “Fantasia do you want to go out with me? Tonight?” I thought tonight we should start the stake out so it worked out perfectly. Fantasia nodded and said, “Thank you for asking me that normally I don’t do the asking. So I will see you at seven.” I told Fantasia to meet me at the diner that was where everything, our date and the stakeout, would start. This date would surely help me find out what she was hiding. That afternoon I told the rest of the pack what was going on. You know like why Fantasia asked to talk to me in private and where our date and the stakeout would take place. “Okay we start with dinner at the diner, then I will take her to the movies and let her pick what we see. How does that sound? To dorky or what?” Only Austin was paying attention, “Brady I think you should plan your date however you want. Change nothing about your plan.” As Austin was babbling on and on about the stakeout I just couldn’t wait for my date with Fantasia, that was by far my favorite part of the stakeout. Even with my date at seven, the pack and I got to the diner early so we could get everyone’s position determined and ready. “Okay Brady the pack and I will communicate through walkie talkies and you have an earpiece to hear what we are saying but not respond back.” From how Austin described everything it sounded like we were ready but there was still one thing we forgot about, “Dude what if she has to use the ladies room how will we know what she is doing then? I mean seriously she could be going in there to fix her lipgloss and then she could go crazy.” Austin could tell that I was just nervous for my date but everything I said could end up happening well mostly the thing about her lipgloss not so much her going crazy, I will shut up now. When Fantasia got there I couldn't believe it was her, she stood in front of me in a golden top and her black leggings with her sparkly black and gold heeled boots. Totally different from what she wears at school. "Hey Brady, so should we go in?" Fantasia asked meanwhile I couldn't find the words to say yes so I nodded and held my hand out for her. She took my hand and we went in the stakeout had just started. "Fantasia you look incredible and I'm sorry I didn't tell you that when you got here I was...yeah I think you know what I'm staying." Okay apparently I was insanely nervous and was at a loss for words. Fantasia didn't even care though I was just like thank god she doesn't care. Out of nowhere Fantasia went blank, “Fantasia, are you okay?” Fantasia nodded and finally got the chance to tell me the one thing I knew she was hiding from me. “Brady, I am really sorry I will tell you everything but just not here --- you would flip out. Like I am not kidding.” As Fantasia brought me into the alley I turned on the mic that was hidden in my pin. “What are we doing in the alley Fantasia?” I asked since she was leading me down the alley, I knew my way around town but I had no idea what alley we were in. When Fantasia stopped she didn’t say very much except for, “I don’t want to tell you because it is easier to show you, but please don’t freak out.” slowly she picked up a rat, and came close to me so I could see what she was doing. With eyes closed and heart beating slowly she bit the rat. ‘Finally I know what she wasn’t telling me.’ Now I knew it I can proudly tell my friends, Fantasia… is… a… vampire. Chapter four Saturday morning after my date I called another emergency pack meeting to tell them what I found out about Fantasia. “Wait what did you say?” Austin was clearly still trying to catch up to what I had just told him. “You heard me Guys, Fantasia… is… a… vampire.” The guys were in so much shock that they were not sure how to tell me she is a kind of our mortal enemy but finally Chase broke the silence. “Dude Fantasia is a VAMPIRE her kind is our mortal enemy you can’t be falling for… that no matter how hot she is.” With Chase’s words in mind, I thought it was only fair if I told Fantasia the truth about me. I don’t exactly know how Chase’s words made me think to tell Fantasia the truth of who I really am but I went through with it anyway. Monday morning at school Fantasia was at her locker this was my chance to tell her the truth about the real me no matter how much I didn’t want to. “Hey Fantasia can I talk to you for a minute? Please?” “Oh hey Brady what did you want to talk about? Is everything okay?” My heart was racing and I was sweating so hard that Fantasia had to take me in the bathroom to dry me off. “Fantasia friday night you told me the truth about you and I want you to know that I still really like you but now it’s my turn to tell you the truth about me.” when I stopped sweating I took Fantasia’s hands and whispered “I… am… a… werewolf.” The worst case scenario fortunately didn’t happen and all Fantasia did was look into my eyes and said “I don’t care what you are I will not leave you ever. Actually I kind of already knew...” After school, that day, the pack and I went in the woods to the exact spot we found Fantasia. I wasn’t really that thrilled to be going there because I knew that Austin would be like ‘Hey man did you tell Fantasia that you can’t see her anymore?’ and I just didn’t want to deal with it but I knew I had to deal with it eventually. “Hey man so… how’d it go with Fantasia?” Austin clearly was trying to sound subtle but came out the way he usually talks to me. I knew that he wouldn’t stop bugging me about Fantasia until I said exactly what he wanted so when I finally did tell him he got really mad like break a vase to steam coming out of his ears mad. “Dude you told her you are a werewolf? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!” Of course with Austin rambling on and on of what could have happened from telling Fantasia that I'm a werewolf it was hard for me to jump in but, he ran out of breath after his second thought. "Dude I did tell her but she somehow already knew." Chapter five The only part of telling the guys that I told Fantasia that was hard was that the guys and I didn't talk to each other for weeks. If you ask me it shouldn't have taken that long for us to start talking to each other again but of course... And I'm rambling again aren't I? So anyways the first person who started talking to me was Evan, he had something that he had to warn me about... "Hey man," clearly he was unsure of if he should have been talking to me or not "so uh there is something you should know" I had never seen him so nervous to tell me anything. "Ev what is going on is something up with Fantasia?" Clearly there was "Brady I overheard Austin say that he was going to think of a way to steal Fantasia from you. I'm sorry I thought you should know, I know how much you like her." When he told me this my mind went blank for about five minutes "wait you are serious?..." He nodded "thanks for telling me but do you by any chance know what he is going to do?" He shook his head, "sorry I don't but I will let you know when I find out." Later that day Fantasia and I went to the park to study and hang out just the two of us, but unfortunately there was too much on my mind for me to pay attention to what she was saying. "Earth to Brady... Do you read me?" Fantasia was so pretty and so sweet "oh sorry babe did you say something?" She was clearly getting suspicious, "Brady you don't seem like yourself, are you okay?" I nodded "yeah sorry I guess I should have told you this morning..." "Wait are you breaking up with me?" She had the wrong idea in her head. "What no I'm not breaking up with you, but this morning Evan told me that Austin was going to try to steal you from me." I tried to hide it from her but she was so worried I didn't want to make both of us so stressed. "What? I don't want him I want you, do you know what he is going to do?" I shook my head, "Fantasia don't worry, Evan told me that when Austin knows what he is going to do, he would tell me." That afternoon with Fantasia I promised her that I wouldn't let anything happen to her or us... Chapter six Chapter Three
Starly May
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Indiana Jade
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