The Misfits Of New Orleans - Part 3 Daylight filtered into the trunk of the car where Joey was laying, just laying and waiting, laying and waiting. That's all it was until a similar feeling to the too strong hands grappled his shoulders and pulled his arms until he was out of the humid car he'd been travelling in for the last 3 and a half hours. All around him Joey could he loud shouting, distant blows of whistles and pants of pain and fatigue. He scraped his eyes open, even though extraordinary amounts of sleep were forcing them together, to see a sort of reception area. It had a modern little desk with a TV at the back displaying pictures of an army like scene. Well, he did just arrive at a misfit training camp ran by the military, what was he expecting. He rattled his body free of the grasp of the two men. "Horbin, Joseph. He's on the list." "Right this way." Exclaimed the woman who rand the reception area. Joey found he quite attractive in an executive kind of way and sent a couple of flirtatious looks and cheeky winks her way. She thought nothing of them. They began to walk down this dark corridor, kind of like the ones you'd see in a horror movie. The lights were flickering, there were distant noises coming from outside the building, it was a pretty scary scene but Joey kept his head down (well... When he wasn't trying to flirt his way into the pants of the reception worker) and he made it through. The women pulled a key out of her back pocket and opened the room that stood silently before her. Room 2391. As she turned the key, Joey felt a sudden shiver travel through his spine. He trembled as he was thrown inside the room and locked in. As he heard the turn of the key he made his way to his uncomfortable-looking bed and he just sat there, in silence, doing absolutely nothing. After about 5 minutes of pointless silence passed he began to look around the area. It looked like some sort of run down hotel room that was at least 2 star but moderately clean. After scavenging for any clue for what he was to do next he came across a note. This not had some sort of timetable in it and by the looks of the title; "Joseph Horbin's Daily Orders", it was for him. He scanned the page: Morning Roll Call and Room Inspection- 5:30 Breakfast- 5:45 Outdoor Training - 6:10 Lunch- 120 Indoor Training- 130 Education Session- 160 Free Time- 170 Curfew- 200 Lights out- 210 Joey was used to staying up till 3 am getting drunk and doing things that he would regret the morning after, then going on to wake up at around 5pm ready to do it all again. How could he adapt to this sort of dramatic change? He thought of what his mom would be doing right now. He thought of ways he wish he could have just asked her why she did this. But it's too late now, he was there, he was a part of the NOMTC if he liked it or not. There was no way out. Joey decided to lay down his head which was full of creative and unrealistic escape attempts and began to sleep.
Starly May
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