Forbidden Love ( Chapter 18 ) 15th August 10:41 pm What must've been days after I fell, I 'woke up' in hospital to pitch black. I could hear my mum but I couldn't see her. Then someone came in and started asking my mum some questions. " How long has she been in a coma?" she asked. I'm in a coma?! How did that happen!!! Mum must've felt my tension as she squeezed my hand. " Well she's been in here for..... 14 days." I can't believe it! " Right so according to our estimates she will be out in 7 months." presumably the nurse said. Uh oh. If I'm now 1 month pregnant, how will I have my baby? " Holly, can you hear me?" my mum called anxiously. " Don't get your hopes up too much, this may take some time." I can hear you mum, I really can! Don't give up! I'm trying ever so hard but my eyes won't open. My eye lids are stuck like glue!! As I lie still, I can hear the door open again. This time I can hear heavy footsteps. It must be my dad. I hope it's my dad, after all we've said I want him to know that I'm soooo sorry. I know it's not because that person kisses me softly on the lips. It was Matt!!! I was soooooo glad to see him! I wanted to kiss him back but I can't. I can sense that mums crying. I want to cry and cry!! But I just can't!
Forbidden Love ( Chapter 17) 3rd August 8:52 am The next morning, I heard a lot of shouting from downstairs. I put on my dressing gown and stumbled down the stairs, bleary-eyed and half asleep. When I walked into the kitchen Mum and Dad were yelling at each other.They were too busy arguing to notice me stood in the doorway. " If you keep on coming up with lame excuses for Holly then you'll be sorry!" Dad threatened. Then I jumped into the scene. " Don't you threaten my mother like that! You have no right to be my father!!!!!" I screamed. There was an awkward silence in the room. I could see the tears building up in mum's eyes. Dad's expression on his face eased and then mum went hurtling up the stairs in floods of tears. " Now you've done it!" I said, unsympathetically. I ran up the stairs and walked into mum and dad's room to find mum sat up on the bed clutching what was a letter. She patted the bed - space next to her. She cleared her throat. I was getting nervous. Usually talks on the bed meant something bad had happened, particularly as mum was crying. " I never told you this but..." Uh oh this was bad!! That was the dreaded line she used when she didn't tell me something and that I was never going to forgive her for it!!! " Your father isn't your real father. If that makes sense." she sniffed. I was confused. Shorly mum would've told me that ages ago! I could feel my cheeks going red with anger. " WHAT?!" I stared at her in disbelief. " Your real father.. Well he died when you were a tiny baby. We don't know why but..." She trailed off. I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach a multiple of times. I felt sick. My eyes became bleary and I fell to the ground. I could hear the sound of mums voice but shortly after I fell, everything went black....
Forbidden Love ( Chapter 16 ) 2nd August 2:45 am I stared at the line on the test. " What is it?" mum asked nervously. I showed it to her. She squealed with delight. It was a red line!!!! I am pregnant!!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm pregnant!!!! Is this a dream?? No. Am I really pregnant? Yes! I ran to my room and jumped up and down. I grabbed my phone and dialed Matts number. I paused, waiting for him to pick up. I sat on my bed circling my belly, imagining the baby from inside my tummy. " Hello?" came the weary voice from the other end of the phone. " Hi Matt!" I replied, " Guess what!?" " Ok, what?" " I'm pregnant!!!!!" I screamed excitedly. Suddenly there was a loud screaming and cheering from Matt. I couldn't help but think of our little family. But the only difficulty I would have is telling my dad...
Forbidden Love ( Chapter 15 ) 1st August 1:53 pm I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned. I kept having vivid images in my head. It was 3oclock in the morning, I still hadn't got to sleep. Suddenly I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I automatically ran to the bathroom. I must have woken my mum or dad up because I could hear footsteps. After I had finished using the loo I rinsed my mouth out and spun round to find my mother in the doorway. " Shhhh, Paul doesnt know I'm up so let's be quiet!" she whispered. I nodded. " Come here." Mum called, " Use this and read the instructions on the packet." I took the box and the writing on it was bold and black. It read: PREGNANCY TESTS. I opened it slowly and closed the bathroom door. 5 minutes later I held the test in my hand. Feeling nervous and queasy I flipped the test over to find....
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