Falling Out With Friends This is a big topic, it can vary from a little spat to a massive argument. Here are my top five tips: 1) Try and think from the other persons perspective. This way you can see what they're going through as well, which could help when coming to making up. 2) If you're really close with this person and you don't want to loose them as a friend, be the bigger person and make the first move to resolving what's happened. 3) One everything has sorted you still may feel a little bit of a grudge. Now some people are really good at forgiving and forgetting however some can really hold a grudge. If you are still a bit mad, although everything has sorted, try to move you mind of the subject. For example you look at them and you're thinking about it,stop. Just stop and look around. At a tree, at a bird just do whatever you can to get it out of you're head so you can return to normal. 4) Talk to someone. In situations like this it can be really helpful, whether it be another friend or a family member. They can be a shoulder to cry on as well as a source for good advice. 5) Talk to the person you've fallen out with. Be honest with them. As good as it is to talk to other people it's not gonna make the situation any better. You need to discuss things (without it leading to another argument) and then you can sort things out. There is no proper answer for this because it depends on the circumstances however these tips are general and do work. 5)