Dear Diary
Chapter One
OMG! Jay had asked me to the dance on Thursday night! I was literally going to die! I had been waiting for the day to come. That was the day. Mum looked at me when I got home in my scuffed ,black shoes and my ripped tights. My hair had been messed up by jay because he was doing my hair up in a plait. Mum had asked me over and over again what I do in school to get in such a mess. I could not tell her the truth this time. She would kill me! I was stuck for words! But then I thought about mum, then about jay, then mum, jay, mum, jay. Jay. Jay was more important. No mum. Who?!
" help me god! " I said a bit too loudly then ran upstairs. When dad got home he asked me. That did not go down to well!
" Meggie! Tell me! "
" Dad, leave me alone! I'm tired a need rest for the dance tomorrow. "
" Oh OK! For gods sake Meggie! You never tell me or your mother anything!"
" GO AWAY! " I shouted he did. He kissed me on the head and walked out of my room.
Chapter Two
Thursday. YAY!!!!! Today's the dance! I can't wait! It's gonna be absolutely great! The year 9-10 choir will sing the song Puppy Love , live band playing. Jay and I will do our first dance like at a wedding! It will be soooooo romantic!
" Are you ready yet Meggie? I've been waiting for about ten minutes! " dad called.
" Yes dad! I'm a girl what do you expect? Anyway, how do I look? "
" Oh my baby girl! You look stunning! "
Ok maybe my dads a little bit nuts but oh well! I love him!
Chapter three
OMG! Last night was amazing! We kissed! They played Puppy Love and everything! Ooo! I just got a text from Jay...
Hey babe!
Do u wanna come to mine for a bit and go to the
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Chloe :D
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