You You are yourself and there's nothing wrong with that. I hate it to hear people say that they hate themselves like you know if the person has a face disorder Or something else that makes them special. But that's the key. That person is special to god to their family the people who bully them look past That they're both human beings. You also mean something to me no body's perfect. Thank you.
Better In Stereo Lyrics Better in stereo B-B-B better in stereo. I'm up with the sunshine (let's go) I lace up my high tops, slam dunk ready or not? Now show me what ya got Im under the Spotlight! I dare you to come and follow. You dance to your own beat I'll sing the melody. When you say yeah I say noo. When you say stop. All I wanna do is Go Go Go! You you the other half of me me the half I'll never B-Be. The half that drives me crazy! You you the half I'll always need need but we both know. We're better at stereo.
Francesca C.
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