Weekend It's Friday tomorrow! And I know I always have a huge sulk with everyone and everything on Saturdays, but on Sunday I want to have a party in Winterfell's Great Hall! Although it'll probably just be me, Arya, Jon, Bran, Rickon and the wolves. Oh well! It's a family party! Arya's always liked being left alone at Winterfell while the rest of us go out. She's not unsociable, just independent. It's going to be so fun! The wolves get up on their back legs and try to dance too! Love Sansa P.S: Which one of our wolves is your favourite, Grey Wind, Ghost, Summer, Nymeria, Lady or Shaggydog?
School I'm at school. It's Monday. I just had double PE. I've got my period. I have detention after school. It's Parents Evening, and I have to go round by myself. Jon is taking Arya, because she's not old enough to go by herself. Then I have to take Bran round. Then me, him, Jon and Arya are going to take Rickon round. I'm not having a good day.
Sansa's Saturday Sulk Every Saturday, I don't know why, but I've always been in a horrible mood, always been sulky and snapping at everyone. Robb called it "Sansa's Saturday Sulk" They all left me alone on Saturdays. I probably won't be on here on Saturdays because I am never in a good mood. Just letting you know. From Sansa
The Crypts I've never liked the crypts at Winterfell. The stone faces, the hard eyes that stared at me, saying "This girl is no Stark, she is clearly a Tully. She does not belong here" and I've always worried that the stone wolves would come alive and they would set them on me. And if they did do that, they'd take Robb, Bran, and Rickon down with me. Jon and Arya are the ones that look like true Starks. Old Nan told me about the spiders and the rats as big as dogs. I can't bear to think of that. But I still find myself thinking of Grandfather, and Brandon, and Lyanna, lying there among it all. Although Father did tell me, Jon, Arya, Robb, Bran and Rickon that Lyanna had begged him to make sure she was buried there. "Lyanna was a Stark of Winterfell" Father had said. "This is where she belongs." Jon had hung his head, thinking he didn't belong here, because he wasn't a Stark. Father noticed. He's always paid attention to Jon. He ruffled his dark curls. "You are my son, Jon. You are as much a Stark as your brothers and sisters" That cheered Jon up. Father. When will they return his bones to Winterfell? That sneak Littlefinger brought his bones to my mother in a chest. I will write and have them brought here. He had Lady's bones sent here all the way from the south, just for me. "She was a Stark. Winterfell is where she belongs" He had said. I will have him brought here. Jon can help me put him in his tomb. I will be brave for Father. And Mother. I must have her brought here. Before they can dump her in the river and send her over the waterfall so the fish can eat her like the traditional send-off for the Tullys. There's not a tomb for her, because Father expected her to want to go the "traditional Tully way" he had called it. That's no matter. I can have one built instantly. And Robb. He must be brought here too. When he showed us our tombs, I remember staring at mine, horrified. I was only four years old. And I remember staring at Robb's. Robb and Jon were seven. Arya, only two, and Bran, no more than a baby. Yet all our tombs were there. I never imagined Robb would be put in his so young. Starks are hard to kill. And I can proudly say that my mother, father and brother did not go down without a fight. I'll brave the spiders and the massive rats for their sake. I've proved that I can be brave before. I can do it again. And my siblings company helps too. We might fight an awful lot, but we give each other the courage we need and more. We give each other the wings to fly. That's how I know we can get through putting our family members in their tombs. There will be a lot of tears, from all of us, but we'll always be there for each other from now on.
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