11:11~Payton And Josh Final Chapter Josh POV I'm gonna tell her when we are alone. I need to tell her so badly. I know, we're going to go for a walk... "Wanna go for a walk?" I ask. "Yeah." She says. God she's so nice. And so, so, so perfect. We grab our sweatshirts and head outside towards the preserve. The small breeze catches her hair and blows it across her face. I can smell her perfume. "So where are we going?" She asks breaking the silence. "Oh just to the preserve." I say casually. She pats the bag on her back. "Good thing I didn't leave this there. We can take some pictures." She says. "Cool." I put my hands into my pockets. It's about 7:30 and its getting dark when we get to the preserve. "I hope they don't trash my house while I'm gone." I say jokingly. "Oh they probably will." She says. "Oh well my parents will probably be dunk when they get home." I say laughing. "Yeah.." She says. We walk around in the meadow for a while talking and messing around. This night couldn't get any better... Payton's POV Oh my gosh, Josh is so sweet. And I can't believe I haven't noticed it until now. He makes me forget about all of my problems and flaws. And he makes me happy when I'm sad. Even if I've been a total jerk to him, he still comes through for me. He's my best friend and I will never be able to forget about him. He's like the brother I never had.. We've been at the reserve for hours, doing random stuff. We took pictures, played games like hide and go seek or tag, laid down and just looked at the stars, and we just talk. About random things like school and sports, things that scare us or make us happy, likes and dislikes. Everything. We're walking down an old trail when we see an huge willow tree. I take a few pictures but when I'm looking through my lens I see a wooden swing. "Josh look over there." I say handing him my camera. "Oh cool. An old swing." He hands me back my camera and starts walking through the grass towards the willow tree. "Wait for me." I say, following him. We finally get to the clearing around the willow tree. The swing has a freshly cut board hanging from its ropes. "Did you make this?" I ask him. "Maybe.." He says. "This is so cool." I say looking up through the branches of the tree. "May I?" He asks gesturing at the swing. "Yeah." I say, sitting down on the swing. He walks behind me and starts pushing the swing. "So how's your day been?" He asks me. "Good." I say. "Well thats good." He says while slowing the swing down. "You wanna show me my present?" "Oh yeah. I almost forgot." I say. I hop off of the swing and grab the edge of it to stop it. I sit down on the grass, leaning on the tree trunk. "Come on." I say patting the grass next to me. He sits next to me, his dark blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. I pull the little box out of my pocket along with my phone to check the time. "Jeez it's already 11 o'clock." I say. "Oh I bet our parents are home." He says. "So are you gonna show me my present?" I hand him the small box. "What, no Skittles?" Josh says jokingly. "No, this is way better." I say. He opens the box, revealing the half of the necklace that says his name on it. "Oh my gosh Payton.." He says, eyes wide. "Where's the other half?" I pull the other half of the necklace out of my coat pocket. I hand it to him. He smiles at me. "I think you should keep this half, since ya know it has your name on it." "Probably.." I say. I hold my hair away from my neck. "Can you put it on?" I ask. "Sure." He says. The necklace is cold on my neck. It's shinny surface shimmers in the moonlight. Josh's POV I latch the necklace around her neck. I need to tell her soon... "Payton?" I ask. "Yeah?" She turns to look at me. Wow. I never noticed how pretty she is. Oh wait, I have. Her bright green eyes seem to glow in the growing darkness. "Do you know what time it is?" I ask. "Uh, yeah. Let me check.." God dammit! Josh! You're such an idiot! Why didn't you tell her when you had the chance!? I have to tell her, tonight. "It's 119." She says. "Cool.. We have to wait to 11:11." I say. "Why?" She asks. She moves closer to me. "So we can make our wishes." I say. "But.. My wish already has come true." She says looking at me. There's silence for a while. "So.. So has mine." I lean down towards her. We get closer.. Then it happens. Our first kiss. Perfect...
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