11:11~Payton And Josh Chapter 20 Time for a shipping spree! We're gonna shop till we drop!! Abby, Racheal, and me are in the parking lot of the mall. My dad drives up to the front door and let's us out. "Bye Daddy!" I say. "I'll see you at 4!" "Bye Hun!" He pulls out if the parking lot and heads back home. When we get in we head to our favorite stores. Hollister, Aeropastle, Rue 21, Abercrombie and Fitch, and American Eagle. On the wall to the mall, we had a mini braiding circle in the back off my dads car. Racheal brides my hair and I braided Abby's hair. Racheal just put about a dozen thin braid all over my head under my hair and I put Abby's long blonde hair in a fishtail braid. Racheal didn't want any braids in her hair since she curled it. When we finish buying clothes we go to the food court for a snack before supper. We each get an Orange Julius from the Dairy Queen stand in the mall. We drink it awhile walking around in Playto's Closet. Not many people come into this store since its second hand but they actually have nice clothes here! I've bought probably all of my Hollister sweatshirts here. My dad picks us up at the mall entrance and we go to Noodles Co. for supper. I get macaroni and cheese. It's so good!! I got a lot of new clothes today so I'm glad we went. I found some that Im probably will wear to Josh's party. And I got his present. He's expecting Skittles but that ain't what he's getting! (Lol I bet you want me to tell you but I'm not gonna tell you yet-From the Author) I can't believe it's tomorrow! We finish eating supper and we drop Racheal and Abby off at their houses. When we get home I carry my bags up to my room and lay them by my dresser. I pull on my pajamas and go through my bags. I bought a new skirt from Hollister, a couple of t-shirts from Aero, a set of new earrings from Rue 21 along with some graphics t-shirts, a sweatshirt from Abercrombie and Fitch, and some more shirts from American Eagle. I lay out my outfit for tomorrow and crawl into bed. I can't wait until tomorrow... -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— Authors Note~ Sorry it's so short!! I would've made it longer but I want the party to be a whole chapter by itself... I think the next chapter will be the last of this series book thangg.. So I'm gonna need some ideas for my next book! Please comment ideas or ask me about other ways to gain contact with me! Thanks and have a WONDERFUL DAY OR NIGHT OR AFTERNOON!!
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