Traducciones   12 años

11:11~Payton And Josh Chapter 21 Josh's POV Finally! It's here, today is the day! I'm so excited for my birthday! I can't wait for all of my friends to come! And I can't wait until Payton comes too.. Payton's POV I wake up early today to get ready even though the party doesn't start until this afternoon. I take a long, hot shower. I pull on my outfit. My short shorts with the purple pockets, a purple, layered Aeropastle tank top, and a pair of matching purple flip flops. I dry my hair and go to my room to do my hair and makeup. My mom was a hair stylist so I learned a few tricks of the trade when I was little. I grab my brush and brush out the little knots in my hair. I braid my bangs and bobby pin them to the side of my head with a purple flower pin. After I'm done getting ready it's already time for lunch. I head downstairs, starving from not eating breakfast this morning. I make a sandwich and I sit down on the couch to eat it. I flip through the channels looking for something decent to watch. There is never anything on during the day! I flip to the Nickelodeon channel and watch the end of Bubble Guppies. Gadget runs around in the living room playing with a stuffed dog. I finish my sandwich and go to the kitchen to rinse off my plate. I hear power drill sounds coming from the shop. Sure enough my dad is in there working on his car. I walk back up stairs and unplug my phone from its charger. You have 3 New Messages! It chimes happily. I unlock my phone: two from Abby and one from Josh. I read the two from Abby first. They both say the same thing, are you going to Josh's? Even though ya know I told her I was about a thousand times, she still asks me. I answer back yes. I check the message from Josh. It's says: Don't forget to bring swim stuff, a snack, and of course MY PRESENT! I almost forgot they had a pool. I grab a bag out of my closet and pick out a Hollister two piece with flowers all over it. And I stuff a towel in with it. I grab my back pack (the one I took to the preserve) and I put my waterproof camera into it along with my phone, charger, sunscreen, Josh's present, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I check the time on my clock, 3:47. I probably should start walking over with my dad. I holler at my dad that its almost time to leave. He quickly showers and gets dressed. We walk over to Abby's house. They come out and walk with us. Me and Abby hang behind for a while. "So what did you get Josh for his birthday?" I ask Abby. "Oh I just got him a bag of candy and some money. The usual." She replies. "Nice.." I say. "What did you get him?" She asks curiously. "Here I'll show you.." I reach into my pack and pull out the gift bag. I grab the little box that was hiding inside of the tissue paper. I gently open it to reveal a friendship necklace that I had engraved. It's a heart with the infinity symbol inside of it. On the front it says Best Friends Forever And on the back, one of then says my name and the other says Josh. Abby just stares at it, speechless. "Oh my gosh Payton! It's so pretty!" She exclaims. "I know. I hope he likes it.." I say. I cant help blushing. We walk over to Josh's house. I can hear the pounding music coming from their basement... -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— Authors Note~ Comment, comment, comment! I felt like it was getting too long, so I stopped.. Like I typed in my last chapter I want the party to be in its own chapter so I hope you aren't mad at me for stopping so early! And again I need ideas for my next story!! I kind of want to do an adventure but I'm not sure yet!! Thanks.

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