Tradurre   12 anni fa

11:11~Payton And Josh Chapter 19 (this is kind of before Payton goes home and after she gets to the preserve) Josh's POV I sit down on my bed laptop in my hand. I log onto Facebook and scroll through my home page. Payton updated her status. And added a picture to her profile. (On Facebook) Having a photo shoot at the nature preserve!! with- Tyler Fray. It's a picture if Payton standing in a grass meadow with the sun directly behind head head, the rays are shinning around her head like a halo. It's beautiful, she looks like an angel. I want to just stare at the smiling face on the screen for the rest of the day. But I have a better idea. I'm gonna call her. (Present time) Payton's POV "Hey Josh." I say. "Hey." Well he sounds like he is in a good mood. "What's got you in such a good mood?" I ask curiously. "Oh nothing.. I can't wait till my party." He say gleefully. "I suspect that either your going because you know everybody else is going or your going to sit at home like a loner, trying to be cool. Which one?" "Oh I don't know.. I'll probably will just stay home.." I say sarcastically. "What..? Why?!" "It's just, so far away." I say stretching the word 'away'. "Uh girl.. I live around the block! So your gonna have to get of your lazy butt and walk to my house." He says in a girls voice. I can't help laughing into my phone. "But my couch is just so comfy." "If you don't, I will personally walk to your house and pull you off of your couch." Josh says. "Haha Ya ok." "I will!" "Ah I do enjoy our conversations... So what do you want for your 15th birthday?" I ask. "A drivers license would be nice." He says. "Or a car.." "I meant something that I could afford." "I'm in need of some new wheels for my skateboard, and I need more candy I'm running low." He says. I can hear him shuffling through his candy bag that he keeps under his pillow. "How about Skittles?" I ask. "Yeah that'd be awesome." He says between mouthfuls of gummy worms and Twizzlers. "Ok, then expect Skittles from me." I hear a voice on the other line. It's his mom. "I gotta go, I have to do my dumb chores." Josh says. "Ok I will see you at the party, if not sooner." I say and then I hang up my phone. The party is in two days. I jog up the stairs and go to my closet. I pull the heavy wooden door to open up my overflowing closet. "I gotta find something to wear to his party." I think to myself. I pull out an armload of clothes an lay them out on my bed. I chose out some of my favorite clothes... A pair of floral skinny jeans with worn down ankles, a pair of cut off short shorts with purple pockets sticking out of the bottom, a black, layered skirt (those are my bottoms), a white layered tank top, a blue and grey striped long sleeve shirt, a strap less tank top covered in zig zags and squiggly lines, and a tight fitting turquoise Hollister dress. My dress is strapless also with layers at the top but then a belt separates the layers and regular fabric. It's one of the few dresses I own and one of my favorites. I really need to go shopping! But first I should probably get some sleep... Night! -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— (Texting) Ready for a day-long shopping spree? To Abby and Racheal. I'll get my purse! From Racheal. Hell Yeah!!! From Abby. Awesome. When should we meet? To Abby and Racheal. I can be at your house in 5. From Abby. At your house. Be there in a few. From Racheal. Okkk. To Racheal. I set my phone in my nightstand and head to the bathroom. Quickly I apply my everyday make up and fix my hair, putting a few more curls in. I pack my backpack up with money, gum, and snacks. Shoving my phone into my back pocket of my floral jeans. I take one last look in the mirror. I picked out my floral skinny jeans, the white layered tank and to finish the look I put on a pair of sandals and a light colored jean jacket. I walk down the stairs with my bag hanging off of one shoulder. I grab a snack from the kitchen and sit on the couch, waiting for my friends to get here. I take a bite out of my apple as our doorbell rings. I get up and answer the door. "Hey Abby.." I say as she walks in. "Hi, no Racheal yet?" She asks. "No not yet, but she should be here soon.." I reply. "Want something to eat before we leave?" "Sure." We walk into the kitchen and she grabs a banana off of our counter. I grab a bottle for our Soda Stream machine out of the cupboard. I snap it in place after filling it with water. I push down twice. Whoosh, whoosh. I pull it out of its place holder and dump in the flavoring. Abby does the same for herself and Racheal but we don't dump in the flavoring. Soon after Racheal finally arrives at my house. I go to my fathers office and tell him we're ready to leave. -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— Authors Note~ Sorry kid this one isn't very good.. There isn't very much dialect  Sorry bout that.. But I hope you still liked my story!

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