A Little Detective I came home from another day at the beach. Today was a bit chaotic, but what would you expect for Saturday. Anyway when I came home it was unusually silent. We live in a house the size of two small sheds, so you can normally hear everything that's happening. But to day was different. As I walked into the living room I saw a trail of blood. I followed it. It led in the kitchen then, my bedroom the the bathroom where I found horror! My mum had her eyes shut under the water of the bath. My dad had a knife next to him and I'm not going to the details. I fainted in shock. When I awoke I was in my bed. Suddenly I remembered what had happened. I ran into the bathroom where I found policemen wondering around. " your wake good," said one,"could you answer some questions?" "sure," I replied "were you here when it happened?" "no!" "do you know anyone who hates your parents enough to do it?" "no," "interesting?" he said and with that he walked off. I lived with my aunt while they investigated. Everyday I asked my aunt if I could go to the beach as normal, but I didn't go to the beach...
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