Now&Forever Chapter 4: The kiss... ~Rebecca's POV~ Me and Nathan walked to the park, the birds were singing and the flowers were blooming, it was such a beautiful park, nothing like where I had lived before, where I'd lived was a horrible, dirty, dark hallway almost, just disgraceful. This is so lovely though. I smiled at all the children running around as Nathan held my hand, swinging it back and forth until we sat down on the bench. "Have you enjoyed today?" He asked a bit worried I i case I didn't. "Yes! Of course. I love it Nathan, thank you." I kissed his cheek, he flushed a bright red colour making me giggle. "Do you think, there could ever be a possibility, we'll be.....More than friends?" He sort of stuttered, I paused trying to think, then smiled. "Yes, I think there will be, Nathan. Yes." I leaned in and kissed his lips, fireworks went off inside me, bombs, it was amazing. Our lips moved in perfect sync as we pulled away smiling like idiots. "Wow, starting from when?" He smirked, I playfully hit his arm. "Oh stop........From now" I smirked back. "We should be getting back, don't want the boys to think we're having- you know what lets just go home." I laughed and nodded. "Yeah we should, it's starting to get dark." I looked up as it began to rain. We hurried home before it got any worse. "What took you so long?! Did Nathan become a man?" Tom pinched Nathan's cheeks, I ran upstairs and brushed a brush through my knotted hair before I heard a knock at my door. "Come in, who ever you are..." I muttered the last part to see Nathan standing there, leaning against the door frame with and evil smirk in his face. "Huh, gulp? What're you doing here?" I went over to him and hugged my arms around him, he was so warm. "Came to say goodnight." He looked down at me with his gorgeous greeny blue eyes which made me melt. He ticked my sides and I gasped. "NATHAN STOP! PLEASE STOP, OHHHH GOD STOP!" I laughed before dropping to the floor having a giggle fit, "Night baby." Nathan blew me a kiss and I flipped him off making him chuckle, so...fucking...AMAZING! I climbed into bed after putting on my pj's and fell asleep dreaming of Nathan. Could we really be more than friends?......
Now&Forever Chapter 3: I think I would Nathan... ~Becky's POV~ Nathan wanted to hang out with ME? Isn't he famous? He can get ANY GIRL he wanted, why'd he choose me, I mean don't take me seriously, he's fit and all, but why me? I need the answer! ~The next day~ I rolled out of bed and slammed into the floorboards of the bedroom, it fucking hurt! Then it hit me. "Tom, c'me here..." Tom came walking in sleepily. "Yes baby sister?" He knelt down beside me, "Don't I need my clothes?" I said gently tapping my fingernail onto the white paint of the dresser. "Look inside it...." He winked at me as I opened it, there was a whole new closet of clothes. "THIS IS FOR ME?!" I gasped as I stared at the clothes in shock. He nodded. "All yours..." He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Tom. Oh and it's my birthday tomorrow!" I squealed. He chuckled. "Already got your present!" I gleamed, this boy does too much! Just then Nathan joined the hug. "Hey Becky, wanna meet me at the local park? It's not far ill show you." He smiled down at me. "Okay, Tom, Nathan, out." I pointed to the door, they walked out and I changed into my summer dress. Yes it revealed a bit of my boobs, but if Nathan stares, I'm gonna bitch slap him! I walked out and Nathan's mouth fell open as he eyes me up and down. I followed his eyes and the landed on my boobs. "They're not eyes babe." I winked at him no he blushed. "Come on then." He took my hand and led me into the park, it wasn't far, about a five minute walk.
Now&Forever Chapter 2: I guess I do Max, I guess I do... ~Rebecca's POV~ I slumped down the stairs at six in the morning to see Max watching E! News. "Hey sleepy head, I thought you and Nathan were making out" He stated chuckling. "Oh fuck off!" I stated playfully hitting him. He chuckled again. "Hey, do you like like Nathan?" I paused for a minute... "I guess I do...I've never really considered liking someone before, but I guess I do..." I stated, emphasising 'liking' he nodded "Mhm, okay, thanks." He continued to watch E! News and I played on my IPhone. ~Nathan's POV~ Okay, don't get me wrong, Rebecca's really pretty, but is she my type? I haven't known her for that long, I really like her though, as a friend now anyway, but I hope I can see her more. "Hey guys." I walked into the living room to find Max and Becky watching E! News, I sat next to Becky and smiled at her, she returned it which made me fee, happy. "Becky? Can I talk to you?" Sure, she led me into the kitchen. "What's up?" She leaned into the counter top as sexily as possible! But I don't really know her yet, she could be a completely different person! "I like you as a friend, but I really wanna see you more so I can hopefully, get a relationship with you.." Her eyes widened, I dunno with shock or joy, "That's fine. I feel the same, it's good to know I have good friends here." She smiled and her pink blouse brushed against my bare arm as she skipped past me and down the hallway sending shivers down my spine, I smiled at the thought of something. I followed her when Tom, almost, fell down the stairs in top of me. "Careful Tommo!" Becky called from the living room, Tom got up and rubbed his head. Ouch, looked like it hurt!
This Is For My Friend @ExtremSlytherin Who Is Going Through A Lot, I Hope This Helps You Okay, hey everyone, it's me Kristen, hum, I just wanted to say something about bullying. If anyone out there has seen the 'Amanda Todd Bullying Video' it's a good video to watch for what I'm about to say, if you haven't watched the video, either watch it or I can tell you. The video is about a girl, teenage girl, named Amanda Todd, who's been cutting for about a year I think it was I'm not too sure, but everyone was mean to her and they were just really really, just vile, disgusting, they made her #life a living hell basically, she got to the point where she couldn't cope so she started cutting, she made a video and posted it online about all her troubles, she really needed a friend, someone who could be there for her. About a month after the video was posted online Amanda committed suicide because the bullying got worse and worse which I think is really sad, she was a teenage and it just makes me cry every time I write or talk about it. But here's the thing... Why would you want to make someone's #life a fucking living hell? They never done ANYTHING wrong and people go along cyber bullying her all day, I just don't get why people would fuck someone's #life up #life that! It's fucking cruel it's horrid, just plain plain fucking disgusting! Why would you do that? Even after the video was posted people were making comments like: 'Oh I hope she does kill herself!' And things like that, she even got to the point of trying to hang herself and drinking bleach, a couple of months after she quit drinking bleach people posted pics of bleach and put stamens like: 'I hope she sees this and kills herself!' So my say is: I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY THAT YOU'VE KILLED AN INNOCENT TEENAGE GIRL WHO WAS MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THEM PEOPLE WILL EVER BE, THE GIRL DONE NOTHING WRONG AND SHE WAS A STRONG GIRL WHO REALLY NEEDED A FRIEND AND PEOPLE FUCKED HER LIFE UP SO FUCKING BAD SHE KILLED HERSELF! SO I HOPE Y'ALL ARE HAPPY THAT SHE KILLED HERSELF, ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW THAT YOU'VE CONSTANTLY BULLIED A GIRL TO THE POINT OF DEATH?! WELL GOU GOT YOUR FUCKING WISH, 'I HOPE SHE SEES THIS AND KILLS HERSELF!' WELL YOU GOT LUCKY AIN'T YA, YOU'RE GONNA LIVE WITH THAT FOREVER NOW, LIVING DAY AFTER DAY WITH THAT REGRET HEAPING INSIDE OF YOU, FUCKING STOP BULLYING PEOPLE! BECAUSE I AM VERY SURE IF YOU COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER SOME COMPLETE PISS FUCKING DICK HEADS YOU'RE FAMILY WOULD BE OVER THE MOON! SO TO ANY BULLY'S OR PEOPLE WHO AGREE WITH ME LIKE AND COMMENT ON THIS, BULLY'S STOP AND PEOPLE WHO AGREE PLEASE TYPE THE SAME THING TO GET THE WORD OUT THERE! NO ONE SHOULD FEEL ALONE! ~Kristen x RIP Amanda Todd you was a strong girl, some dickheads just can't keep them selfs back, I love you hunnie, and you @ExtremSlytherin, keep going I know you can break though the pain!
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