Translate   11 years ago

Now&Forever Chapter 3: I think I would Nathan... ~Becky's POV~ Nathan wanted to hang out with ME? Isn't he famous? He can get ANY GIRL he wanted, why'd he choose me, I mean don't take me seriously, he's fit and all, but why me? I need the answer! ~The next day~ I rolled out of bed and slammed into the floorboards of the bedroom, it fucking hurt! Then it hit me. "Tom, c'me here..." Tom came walking in sleepily. "Yes baby sister?" He knelt down beside me, "Don't I need my clothes?" I said gently tapping my fingernail onto the white paint of the dresser. "Look inside it...." He winked at me as I opened it, there was a whole new closet of clothes. "THIS IS FOR ME?!" I gasped as I stared at the clothes in shock. He nodded. "All yours..." He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Tom. Oh and it's my birthday tomorrow!" I squealed. He chuckled. "Already got your present!" I gleamed, this boy does too much! Just then Nathan joined the hug. "Hey Becky, wanna meet me at the local park? It's not far ill show you." He smiled down at me. "Okay, Tom, Nathan, out." I pointed to the door, they walked out and I changed into my summer dress. Yes it revealed a bit of my boobs, but if Nathan stares, I'm gonna bitch slap him! I walked out and Nathan's mouth fell open as he eyes me up and down. I followed his eyes and the landed on my boobs. "They're not eyes babe." I winked at him no he blushed. "Come on then." He took my hand and led me into the park, it wasn't far, about a five minute walk.

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