Translate   11 years ago

Now&Forever Chapter 2: I guess I do Max, I guess I do... ~Rebecca's POV~ I slumped down the stairs at six in the morning to see Max watching E! News. "Hey sleepy head, I thought you and Nathan were making out" He stated chuckling. "Oh fuck off!" I stated playfully hitting him. He chuckled again. "Hey, do you like like Nathan?" I paused for a minute... "I guess I do...I've never really considered liking someone before, but I guess I do..." I stated, emphasising 'liking' he nodded "Mhm, okay, thanks." He continued to watch E! News and I played on my IPhone. ~Nathan's POV~ Okay, don't get me wrong, Rebecca's really pretty, but is she my type? I haven't known her for that long, I really like her though, as a friend now anyway, but I hope I can see her more. "Hey guys." I walked into the living room to find Max and Becky watching E! News, I sat next to Becky and smiled at her, she returned it which made me fee, happy. "Becky? Can I talk to you?" Sure, she led me into the kitchen. "What's up?" She leaned into the counter top as sexily as possible! But I don't really know her yet, she could be a completely different person! "I like you as a friend, but I really wanna see you more so I can hopefully, get a relationship with you.." Her eyes widened, I dunno with shock or joy, "That's fine. I feel the same, it's good to know I have good friends here." She smiled and her pink blouse brushed against my bare arm as she skipped past me and down the hallway sending shivers down my spine, I smiled at the thought of something. I followed her when Tom, almost, fell down the stairs in top of me. "Careful Tommo!" Becky called from the living room, Tom got up and rubbed his head. Ouch, looked like it hurt!

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