Had A Little Break, But I'm Back And I will be writing more #poems and more of my story.
Had A Little Break, But I'm Back And I will be writing more #poems and more of my story.
Bound To Be Forbidden Chapter 3 I looked away from his stunning blue eyes, I didn't want to look at him knowing he was going to do something so horrible, he would manipulate a girls feelings and then kill her and her whole family, that was the cruelest plan he could probably come up with. "Uhh okay" "Your judging me at this very second" "No..of course not, well yes, just as long as your not with that girl" "Your always were a terrible liar" he laughed, I laughed, we lay down in the fields for hours thinking about our lives together, I couldn't even think about what would happen if the plan went wrong. I thought about our huge wedding, people cheering, jealous girls, my wedding gown and the best part, Lucas. I told him I had to go, he kissed be tenderly good bye and ran off. I snuck into my room quietly and collapsed of the bed, I dreamt of my lips on his, we kisses fiercely, I dreamt about our #life together and how beautiful our kids would be. I woke up red faced and to the sound of my father laughing. I went downstairs to the kitchen, no one was there, I went down to the basement, there was my dad being whipped by my brother, I was quite excited to see this, "I haven't felt this good in years!" I looked at my brother in surprise, "He's in grave pain" My brother spoke grinning, I grinned back, he handed me the whip and I swung it down as hard as I could, it whipped around his face and hit his eye, he yelled in pain, I ran down to his side asking if he was okay, his fist came towards my face, I was knocked out, I woke up to him there, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind my dear, so watch yourself" He walked out of my room happily, I looked up, I had a black eye...
Bound To Be Forbidden Chapter 2 Our gaze met through the roaring crowd, his dad still yelling out the same thing every few minutes, he shot me a wink and then looked towards his dad who had a girl next to him, "She has proved herself worthy of you" I felt unworthy again, I held the feeling back waiting to see what would happen next, then they kissed, not as fiercely as me and lucas but they were still kissing, I burned inside. They left after 10 more minutes, the crowd soon disappeared. I went home to hear my brother screeching in pain. I looked at my mother, "What happened?" "He attacked your father" "Even I thought he was smarter than that" My mother shot me a look as if saying your father attacked him first, I was hurt, I felt empathy for my brother, I felt I could feel his pain. I went upstairs and waited till 2 o'clock, you see whenever Lucas winked at me it meant he wanted to meet up later. I snuck out my window and to the fields, there lay my prince, he heard my footsteps and quickly got up, he ran towards me picking me up, kissing me and spinning me around. He put me to the floor gently and then kissed me tenderly, "I'm sorry you had to see that, i would never leave you" he stopped and then continued to kiss me. For some reason, I didn't believe him, I wanted him to tell me he loved me, that would make me believe, "I love you" I spoke "I..I..I love you too, I want to spend my #life with you" Now I believed, we kissed even more fiercely than we did before, we lay there for 30 minutes kissing happily, I loved him completely. He stopped "I need to tell you something" "Okay?" I said expecting the worst "I'm getting married" "What!?" I responded quickly "But me and my dad have a plan, I can't tell you but I will" he grinned "just promise me you won't judge me" "Okay" "Okay, I'm going to marry this girl, then kill her whole family and steal her fortune, my dad says when I complete this, I can marry you..." I was speechless....
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