Ho Ho Ho! . ✯ *W* * ISH * * ING Y * * OU A VE * * RY MERRY * * CHRISTMAS * _| |_ To my Opuss family Wherever you are, whatever you're doing I wish you all the very best Xmas ever. Sienna xxx
Daha fazla..Ho Ho Ho! . ✯ *W* * ISH * * ING Y * * OU A VE * * RY MERRY * * CHRISTMAS * _| |_ To my Opuss family Wherever you are, whatever you're doing I wish you all the very best Xmas ever. Sienna xxx
Daha fazla..The Artists Palette B utchered, to beyond perfection L ost in a minefield of preconceptions O vershadowed by its criminality O ptions discarded in favour of brutality D eath, turned into a piece of art A nonymity plays its part N obility snatched and falsely claimed D runk on arrogance, borderline insane B linded by a sense of outdated justice O ld wounds healed; but not for the punished N ever trust, or turn your back E ventually, comes his well planned attack ##acrostic #nightdwellers
Daha fazla..NOT IN MY NAME My government, my country; or so I'm told... my words, not considered as my voice unfolds Tornadoes already slice through the air their objective is one of death and despair Politicians will delight in their shock and awe as death-bells toll the casualties of war. #revolt #warchild
Daha fazla..Extinguish The Flame As light turns to darkness laughter turns to sorrow how do you move forward and embrace another tomorrow As panic turns to anger and blood turns to tears let's take the next step, together absorb each other's fears As we share your burden we'll fortify your strength let love and unity be the first line of defence As evil seeks to divide and destroy our way of #life block out the words that racist chants incite As our governments question where lies the blame rhetoric seeks once again to light revenges flame... #paris13 #world2015
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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Hope you are well dear Sienna
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