Rooms As they put the stray jacket on me I keep trying to tell them, I try to tell them that he's there watching me, waiting for me to close my eyes and then he'll strike. He always wears a black suit, slick black hair, very tall and he always has a briefcase in hand. "will you sign?" he constantly asks me and I always shout "no, never!" but he knows I can't take it, he knows that it's only a matter of time until I break and I sign it. The contract is pure evil within text, it's paper is rotting because of the foul but the words stay as clear as day. He wants my soul, the one thing in my #life that I haven't lost as well as my #life, he knows that and he's toying with me, I'm his puppet in a way, but I guess I should go fro the beginning. I was a mother, a wife and a respected member of my community. But now I'm a pathetic mess who is alone and is now the only thing stopping the world from falling into anarchy. He whispered things to me, told me things only I could have known and worst of all, he played it to his advantages. He told me of the rooms you go to when you pass on, there are two of them, one is a White door with perfectly crafted murals decorating the door while the other is plain and has an old door knob. He told me no matter the choice, you ended up with him, except me. He told me when the time come, I would be given a fair choice and that all of my actions would be rewarded and punished. I knew what I had to do. I went outside to my car and picked up my gun, walked to my neighbours and shot them and their children while they slept. They caught us in the forest, I was hiding under the water an he, in the tree though they didn't arrest him, they... Didn't even notice him. I was plead with insanity and was sent here to Springwood asylum. Help me! I am the angel of death and you time of redemption awaits!
Madame Creeps
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