The Day I Died #BunnysWritingContest Hope you enjoy! --------------------------------- This isn't a true story. "Mommy Why?" A little girl called Olivia Duncan was murdered by her mother. This is how it happened. "Mommy for lunch can I have a tuna sandwich?" She asked "No!" Her mom yelled "You eat what you're given!" "But mommy I don't like ox tongue sandwiches." She said looking dull. "Shut up Olivia or else!" Her mom shouted. Most of the neighbours know Olivia and her grandma who had pretended to be her mother dice she was born. They knew she wasn't a nice person. She hated Olivia and her true mother that's why at Olivia's birth her grandma killed her mom. "Or what mommy?" She asked. "Olivia that's it." Her grandma said as she grabbed the meat-cleaver. Olivia ran out the house and unfortunately was court. She was turned around by her grandma. "Good night Olivia." Chuckled her grandma as she stuck the cleaver into Olivia's stomach. The 5 year old was dead! Two days after her grandma was taken to jail for the rest of her #life for killing a child. Also in other bits to this, Olivia Duncan was abused by her grandma. Her eyes were swollen and most of her bones where broken. And this is the story of Olivia Duncan. #SorryForThatGirl #LookingForwardToSeeingTheWinner. Sorry about the hashtags @everyone!
My Version Of Inmate 4859!! The night of century a boy born by a snake, Resettled from Karelia’s pains, Go to a man in exile as the 2nd World War came, Unleashed a shadow on his land. John, John, who knows his name? Inmate in hell or a young man in prison? Soldier in Auschwitz who knows his name? Locked in a cell, making a war in the prison, Hiding in Auschwitz, who hides behind 4895? Outside of Auschwitz he decided to brake free, The end of April with the bees, Joined the Uprising, fight on the tweets while hiding his tank, Takes command (all for) serving his parents in need. John, John, who knows his name? Inmate in hell or a young man in prison? Soldier in Auschwitz who knows his name? Locked in a cell, making war in the prison, Hiding in Auschwitz who hides behind 4895? Sent to the prison where the young ones are judged as traitors, Accused of treason by his mum, Sentenced by countrymen under pressure of political influence, Men he once fought to death. Inmate in hell or a young man in prison? Soldier in Auschwitz we know his name! Locked in a cell, making war in the prison, Hiding in Auschwitz, He hides behind 4895? I know I have just ruined a amazing song. But this one is good too. However not as good as the old one.
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