Opposites Attract - Part 4 This is it. This is my chance. We have sectionals every week, and a performance in a month. This is my chance to get to know her. To get her to warm up to me... To.. Ask her out. I shook my head briefly. 'Woah there, one thing at a time. Don't rush it or it'll all be ruined' I thought to myself. The first sectional is tonight and I plan to talk to her a bit. Maybe about the music? I shook my head again. That's too simple. And just plainly stupid. I sat in my second hour class pondering things to say to her after school at the sectional. Subject to talk about. Anything to help! But nothing was working. My mind kept wandering back to last hour. I had found myself staring at her once again, and when the director addressed the percussion once again, she looked back. Correction. She looked at me. But instead of looking away or pretending Hadn't stared, I kept looking at her. I saw her blush and smile slightly, and this made my stomach jump slightly. She looked away quickly, but the moment was etched in my mind. Along with the thought, 'What if she likes me too' The day sped by after first hour. The moment, and embarrassment, still etched in my mind. I walked into the band room after school to see some of the drumline already there, setting up their drums. A few freshman on the drumline who i was somewhat close to greeted me when i approached and i greeted them back. But that was the extent of my conversation with any of them. I just walked to the back room, grabed my cymbals off the shelf, and went back out and set them on a chair. I plopped down in a chair next to them and pulled out my iPod. I stuck the earbuds in my ears and started the song. It was a piece we played in band class that i had stuck in my head all day. I scanned the few people who were here, searching for him. But, to my dismay, he wasn't there yet. 'Damn' I thought, looking down to my iPod screen, causing me to not notice him walk in though the door and into the back room. There she was. On her iPod and quiet as always. I grabbed my snare drum and set it out with the rest. I glanced over at her, wondering if I should try talking to her now. She was so intense on staring at her iPod, that i decided not to interrupt. Instead i plopped in a chair behind my drum and looked at the music Lane, the section leader, had passed out. I glanced up once more and scanned the room, jumping slightly when I saw him sitting in the chair behind his drum. 'When did he get here?!' I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and looked back at my iPod, trying to avoid staring. "Everyone to your drums!" Called Lane, walking to his own and picking up the sticks, "we have a lot to learn today!" And learn we did. The whole show. But It wasn't even close to being perfect by the end of rehearsal. But I couldn't really talk. The cymbal part was terrible sounding too, and it didn't help i was extremely unfocused. I was too aware of the pair of eyes that were on me. But i refused to look up. I refused to meet those eyes. I refused to look like a stalker. She wouldn't look at me. That was ok though, it left me plenty of time to look at her. Her beautiful brown hair, her gorgeous smile, her captivating blue eyes. I shook my head and kicked myself for staring at her the whole time. But it gave me the courage to confront her. When The sectional was done and the drums were taken care of, I walked out to the hallway to find her there, waiting for her ride. I took a deep breath and walked up to her, wondering why she made me this nervous when I was never this way before. "Hey!" Stupid, stupid, stupid! Too cheery. "Umm hi" she replied, looking at me with those wonderful blue eyes of hers. "Waiting for your ride?" I asked, kicking myself for asking the most obvious question in the world. "Umm Ya," she said, smiling slightly. This caused my heart to beat slightly faster. What was wrong with me? "I figured.. So umm.. How do you like the show for talent show?" Better... Better... "It's really cool.. Just... Needs some work" she replied, laughing slightly. "Ya.. A lot of work" I laughed too, "excited for talent show?" "Ya... A little nervous too though.. Iv never done talent show before." "Ah it's fun, don't worry about it. Especially when-" she cut me off "I- I gotta go. Im so sorry but my moms here and she doesn't like to wait. Can we finish this conversation.. Umm.. Tomorrow?" She asked, I could hear the sadness in her voice for needing to leave, but a hint of excitement at the last part. "Ya sure. Bye" i replied, trying to suppress happiness I felt. "Bye!" She ran out the door. 'Tomorrow' her words echoed through my head. "Yes," I whispered to myself as I walked to my own car, "tomorrow" i grinned. Bold move. I thought to myself. Very bold move saying that to him.

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