Hello Hello! I'm Pinkie and I'm new here! For some reason there's a bunch of weird-looking ponies that spy on me and my friends. They don't even look like ponies! But I love that they care about us that much! I heard that they're REALLY REALLY excited about something on November 23. I don't know what's happening. I don't have anything on the schedule except this pony Lyra's birthday party. Ooooh I can't wait for that! But somepony has a birthday, like, everyday! Why is everypony so excited for Lyra and not everypony else? Well, I guess we'll see! Ooh yeah and I'm friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle! It's so cool to have a princess friend! I threw her the best coronation party EVER!! It was so much fun! Even Gummy had fun!

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