Translate   12 years ago

trunk Writing practice 3 we were all around 13 years old and were playing basket ball in the neighbor kids drive way. The teams were two on two, my cousin akil and me, versus my cousin ryan and the neighbor kid josh. Akil and I were down by 1 point and the game was reaching an end. We had the ball. Akil went for a shot to finish the game and hit the rim, the ball bounced twice then barely missed the basket. Afterword josh got the rebound and took the ball back to the three point line,shooting, and winning them the game. In a minor fit of rage quickly brought on by the loss akil threw the basket ball at the two of them, hitting ryan in the head. Ryan was known through out the neighborhood for his major anger issues and the irrational things he would do when his mood swings were brought on. He went for a screw driver that was sitting next to the garage. Akil an I both took off down the alley knowing that in his blindness he could hit anyone. We quickly went to the family mini van that had a code you could type in to unlock the door. We unlocked the door, climbed into the trunk and hid under a picnic blanket. After a minute or so we could hear the front car door open. I motioned for akil to be quiet as we listened to see what would happen next. It turned out to be my grandparents. They were having a conversation about some politics related event that happened the day before. Or something. We heard the engine start. Me and akil looked at each other and and knew that we would both stay hidden in the trunk for the ride. Besides basketball was getting old we had been playing all day. We continued to listen to my grandparents insignificant conversation while we dwelled in the back of the car, giggling every couple minutes at our crafty antics, and Somehow they couldnt hear us. After about 15 minutes we arrived at the macys parking lot at the southdale mall. We sat and listened as our grandparents got out of the car and walked tword the macys entrance. After they were a safe distance away we climbed to the front seats and got out of the car. The alarm went off. We quickly went and hid behind a neighboring car and watched as my grandpa trailed behind his wife looking back at the van, and slowly clicking the alarm off button that was on the electrical car key remote. We laughed loudly finally able to let out our reaction to the situation without being heard. I told him we should go inside and follow them around and he agreed. After looking through the macys for a few minutes we couldn’t find them and decided to walk into the mall ourselves. At the worst we could take the bus back home if they left without us safely back in the trunk. Just as we turned the corner to enter the main plaza of the mall, we saw our grandparents talking to a clerk at the cell phone kiosk. It was spring and wasn’t quite t shirt weather and we were wearing our winter coats. We put our hoods up and walked past them to see if they would notice us. They didn’t. We did a loop around the plaza and walked past them again. They must have been too distracted. We got bored of trying to get noticed so we went up the escalator and hit up the Chinese fast food restaurant. We ordered and sat down and had a nice meal. Eating about half of our food before deciding we should make our way back to the car and finish in the trunk. We made our way back to the van in the macys parking lot, typed in the code on the side of the door, and climbed back into the trunk to eat our Chinese food. Again we were in trunk for about a minute before we heard the car remote unlock the door. They must have been at the far end of the parking lot because the button was pushed continually totaling about 15 times until they got into the car. They started the engine and we could hear my grandma comment on the aroma of Chinese food, we laughed silently as my grandpa explained how it must be from the Chinese food they had in the car a week ago. We sat silently finishing our meals in the trunk while we drove for ten minutes. Making a stop now at the linden hills bread shop, great harvest. They got out of the car. As our meals were finished, we waited about 30 seconds to get out of the car ourselves. Hoping for something funny to happen while we stalked our grandparents. We put our hoods up and sprinted past them into the store ourselves. We got some free samples of bread and sat down on the bench in the store with our hoods over our eyes eating our samples. Our grandparents entered the store and walked right past us to the sample counter. We sat two feet away from them and giggled while they got their samples and chatted. We could hear our grandma mention us in saying how much the grandchildren would love the pizza bread that they have there. She purchased the bread and we left the store sprinting back to the car and into the trunk. Again we could hear the car door unlock button 15 times before they entered the vehicle. We drove about 5 minutes and were half way around lake harriet when my grandma noticed some movement in the trunk. Akil must have been re situating himself. She screamed for my grandpa to stop the car and when he did she jumped out the door and yelled from outside of the car “theres someone back in the trunk!” my grandpa as brave as he is, kept his composure and yelled back at us “alright whos back there!” akil and I started laughing and came out of the trunk revealing our hiding spot. We told our grandma sorry for startling her and she got back in the car and we all laughed together for the rest of the ride home as we told them the story.

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