The Little Boy I was sitting on my bed looking out the window. I glanced at my clock and realizing what time it was I quickly dressed. "I hope this is worth my beauty sleep." I mumble slightly annoyed. I found a note in my locker the previous day which read "Meet at where your parents are buried at 30AM. And come alone." Now I bet you're all wondering who in their right mind would go to the meeting place. Well I have a good reason to go. They mentioned my parents graves... Well I've never told anyone my parents were dead. I snap out of my train of thought and put my sneakers on. I open my window and jump the 4 feet out. I land with a thud and find my flashlight. I shine the light and gasp a little when I see a face. I chuckle softly as I realize that the face I saw was my cat, Butter Winkle. I shoo the cat and I begin my short journey to the cemetery. I glance at the other houses and it seems as if they're empty. They were just cold and dark looking. The tall apartment looks like a jagged tooth against the dark, cloudless, moonless night. I shudder and quicken my pace. As I walk in the cemetery,a low but thick fog settles in. I shiver once more and begin to make my way through the maze of dead people and I finally arrive at my parents... I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. I see my best friend's ten year old brother looking at me with cold black as night eyes. I began to look closely and I see there is no eye ball just a dark empty pit of nothingness. He spoke to me in a voice not of his own but much deeper and raspier. His words were, "Thank you for joining us". I feel another tap on my shoulder, this time to the right of me and I turn, and I see the whole town then I see nothing....(Leave feedback and some helpful criticism. I know it wasn't that good but oh well.....)
Richard Withey
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Sammie ❤️
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