Cronus Awakened Chapter 9
Marisa leaned up against one of the nearby trees, its bark charred and blackened. She winced as her hand brushed an ember. "Hey..." She muttered, "I haven't been much help, have I?"
Nott looked over at her, surprised. "Not like me flying in circles was any more helpful," she muttered. "Especially since I almost crashed into a tree."
"If you two are done with the pity party," snapped Alex, "Angela is hurt."
"No, I'm fine..." Angela muttered, blushing slightly. She seemed embarrassed to draw attention to herself. "Please don't fight..."
Nott glared over at Alex, but kept silent. She looked down at the smoldering grass once more. "Angela, that weapon of yours... What does it do?" Angela looked over at Nott. "It turns things into a breeze... Breezes can't hurt anyone," she responded quietly. "What about tornados?" Retorted Jacob. "Don't be a smart ass," muttered Alex. "SHUT UP," snapped Nott. Marisa looked over at the quarreling boys nervously. "Breezes are less strong then gales, and gales are less strong then tornadoes..." She muttered. "Not that I want to be rude or anything..." Flins looked straight ahead, biting his lip thoughtfully. "Do you think we'll get any weapons such as that?" He inquired. "I dunno, maybe we should just wait for someone else to pass out..." Said Alex, shutting up when he caught Nott's gaze. "I wonder if they're watching us," Muttered Flins. The group fell silent for a moment at the prospect of being watched by many people they couldn't see. "I dunno, maybe..." muttered Nott. "HEY, NYX!!!" she shouted. Angela backed away from her a few steps." "CAN I HAVE A COOL WEAPON?!" Nobody responded with the exception of a lone blackbird. "Well... Apparently not," muttered Nott, disappointed. "What did you expect..." Retorted Alex. "I mean, you were yelling... Yelling at... Sky..." Alex's eyes became glazed over. In a matter of seconds, he had fallen to the ground unconscious, blackened grass crackling where he hit.
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