What If? We've all been there. Crazy thoughts running through our heads. What if I wasn't here? This problem would be dead. But we try to stand strong. Reaching for that one thing that keeps us from going over the edge. No one seems to take our hands. They let us fall. Who would want to help someone who's gone crazy? But it's their own fault. They never reached out and saw our hearts. They pass judgement. Messed up in the head. It's all a game. A game we know to well. They don't see our tears. They don't hear our screams. All they see is the smile we fake to get through the day. And yet we wait. We wait for the day when they wake up and we are gone. Then the pain sets in. Our pain burns in them. The pain that made us take our own #life's. But together we could stand. Reach out your hand. Take theirs and never let go. Teach them the way. And maybe in the end they will learn to be okay. But today, is not that day. For he no longer holds our hand. He has gone because the pain is something he couldn't understand. And I think to myself, "What if I took his hand?"
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