Misfit's Part 1 I don't know how to begin, I need to tell my story though. I feel so lost. Nobody understands me … anymore. I was the loved little girl always top at everything at school miss popularity with pretty blonde curls. Then the accident happened. I don't talk to anyone about the accident not even my therapist, I talked to Blaze about it but he's gone and I shouldn't think about him anymore. But I loved blaze and I can't not think about him. After all he did he was mine and I was his, he was perfect for me. I'm spiraling downwards into the pit of #depression where I have dwelled so many times before, I promised myself I wouldn't go back into the terrible cycle of #depression but I know I won't keep that promise. I'm scarlet and I'm 14 if you were wondering. I'm alone at school and at home, everyone I love has left me. Most girls my age dream about becoming singers and actresses and pretty little models, I dream of death and Blaze. The only thing stopping me from killing myself is him. I wish I could tell him, but I'm too ugly and quiet and he's changed into this popular emo with his crew all listening to you me at six and pierce the veil. He would think I'm silly. "Schools starting in two minute so bugger off!" My 'dad' shouts his voice slurring with all the alcohol he consumed last night. Slightly alarmed I stir from my thoughts and slick some black eyeliner around my eye making it bold. Then I fix my dyed glowing chestnut hair into its usual full on side fringe and leave the rest of my wavy hair lying just beneath my chest. Everyone says I'm pretty but theres nobody i can truly call a friend, after what happened with blaze and of course the rumors about the accident who would want to be my friend? I grab my headphones,iPhone and my band themed school bag which is falling to pieces, and I slip downstairs. I watch as my father sits watching the football his pint of beer in his grubby hand. I despise him so much I can hardly look at him. Slowly I tiptoe past him trying to avoid talking to him and finally I'm out of the door into the autumn haze of golden leaves and mist. I plug my headphones in and trudge along the streets watching happy year sevens running along and cocky year eights talking about boys in year 11 that 'fancy' them. Finally I see the gates of passlane secondary school, I take my headphones off and watch everyone as I make my way inside.i turn around to see Jason coming towards me smiling wearing his SnapBack and customized uniform, I sigh as I know what's coming. "Oy scarlet baby, what ya doin tonight babes." He says winking at me and eyeing my body up. "Jason I'm not interested in you or your chav sidekicks if you would care to leave me alone for just a day I will be eternally grateful." I plead with him in a comedic way as a few of his crew laugh. "Ok if that's what you really want, I'm always here baby. Nice boobs by the way." He winks at me as I walk away shocked at how bloody annoying guys are. "You pulled." Alex jones the year 10 popular football captain shouts at Jason as he struts off with his crew. I get inside the crumbly building and walk down the corridors looking for one person, Blaze. "Watch where your going sket!" Lucy Jenkins snarls at me flicking her backcombed caramel coloured hair at me. "Nice foundation lucy, did you use a brush or dip your face in it." I say smirking amused at my own joke. She pushes past me her black school heels clattering on the floor. I laugh and walk into form. Form is one of the only places I feel accepted and cared about, it's where I can chat with people I care about and generally have a laugh. 3 likes for part 2 sorry this is a new story I just really wanted to write it. ❤
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