I'm Back Good to be back after a year. I used to be rank 10 in the world and now I'm rank 800+? Time for me to get to work! I tried searching for my story in the hall of fame to see if it was still there but unfortunately you cannot view "all time" stories Looks like I'll need to do a new story ;o
Your So Different|Part Seventeen (Finale) You're Do Different Part Seventeen -------David's Point Of View------- "Do I know you?" she repeated, cocking her head to the side. "It's me, David." I said, reaching for her hand. She pulled away and stared at me. "I don't know you." Seris said, sitting up. "But your eyes remind me of my friend Kory's eyes." Seris repeated, looking down. "Are you related to Kory?" she asked, looking at me. I shook my head, dumbfounded. So she remembered "Kory." "I am Kory!" I exclaimed. She shook her head. "No.. You're David." "Yes, do you remember me?" i asked, excitement in my voice. "You just said you were David." she said, confused. "Ah, well, uh, I'm Kory. My middle name is David." I said, exasperated. She sighed deeply. "Kory was........ Different." she said, pouting. I sighed and did a face palm. This wouldn't end easy. The doctor walked in. "Ah, Ms. Seris. You're up." he said smiling. "And you are?" he asked, turning to face me. "Kory." "David." I gritted my teeth, shooting a warning glance at Seris. She stuck her tongue out in reply. The doctor raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer that made sense. "I'm Kory. David is my middle name." I replied. His expression cleared up and he smiled. "Ah, alright." he laughed, smiling. "How long will she stay here doc? When can I take her home?" I asked, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice. "Tomorrow." he answered, flipping to some notes that he had. "Can I stay overnight?" I asked, pleadingly. "I guess so. No trouble though." he said sternly. I nodded and he left. Then I turned towards her, glaring at her more than looking. She raised her chin indignant. This was going to be a long night.
Your So Different|Part Sixteen You're So Different Part Sixteen -----------David's Point Of View----------- I pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. "Out of bullets now?!" I screamed, and threw the gun away. Rick closed his eyes and sighed in relief. But I wasn't done with him. "F*ck you!" I screamed, punching him in the face. He stumbled backwards and crashed into the desk. Blood was coming out of his nose. "I loved her." I muttered, grabbing him and slamming him against the wall. He spat blood and gasped for air. "She was never a target for me." I said, punching him again. He begged for me to stop, apologizing. "Never." I screamed, throwing him to the floor. I was in a rage. Nothing could stop me now. I was born a killer. Now was the time to prove that. "Just a quick twist, and your out of your misery." I muttered, grabbing his head. He begged for mercy, but I had none. I was about to twist, but I stopped. I couldn't kill him... No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. He was my own flesh and blood. It doesn't matter what he did. He was my brother. "Live." I said, watching his pitiful figure. "Live with this. And when you see that you killed me alongside her, you'll be living in h*ll." I muttered, pushing him away. He shook his head, and pointed at her. "What?" I replied, agitated. "She's not dead.." he breathed, looking at me in the eye. My eyes widened. "What?" I gasped, running over to her. She was barely breathing. "Seris?" I breathed, shaking her lightly. She gasped for air. I had to get her help. I picked her up gently, and looked at Rick. "Goodbye." I said, for that was the last time I would see him. His eyes widened, understanding what I meant. "No David, Don't do this-" he began, reaching for me. I shoved away, shaking my head. I broke the door down, and ran. I ran past all the guys, staring with wondering eyes. I kept running faster and faster, running towards the hospital. Finally, we reached one. "Help!" I screamed, carrying her half dead body inside. Nurses and doctors ran to her aid. They took her away and asked me questions. I answered them, though I kept my identity hidden. I waited for several hours, until finally a doctor approached me. "You may see her now." he permitted. I ran to the room, anxious to see her. "Seris?" I said softly, watching her. She looked at me, eyes blank. "Seris?" I repeated, fear growing inside me. She looked at me and asked, "Do I know you?" No........... Part 17 (the finale) is posted. Go read it!
Your So Different|Part Fifteen You're So Differentu Part Fifteen ----------David's Point Of View---------- Two gunshots fired, and I turned around. *No* I thought, running towards the door. "No!" I screamed, pushing past the guys near the door. I broke down the door, running inside. Inside everyone turned to look at me, but I didn't care. All I saw was her. Her motionless body. "Seris." I said, eyes wide. Oh no... I lost her. I tore my eyes away from her. Rick looked at me closely. "You did it." I growled, facing him now. He nodded, pain in his face. I screamed out of pure anger and charged at him. I was stopped by the two big guys. "Let me go!" I screamed, struggling to get loose. It was futile. I was pushed down to my knees. "I'll kill you! All of you!" I screamed. Rick turned away, not wanting to look at me. "She was a target." Brian reminded me. I stopped struggling and looked only at Seris. I had lost. There was no way of getting her back. The big guys loosened their grip. I stayed still for a second or two, and then tried to escape. I succeeded. I grabbed the guns at their waist and shot them both. They groaned and collapsed. I aimed both guns at Brian and Rick. "Don't do it David." Brian advised, panic in his eyes. "Go to h*ll." I muttered, and pulled the trigger. Right in between the eyes. I pulled back, one gun aimed at Rick's back. "Do it." he muttered, turned away. I stepped closer, till my gun was pressed towards his back. "Do it." he repeated, and he turned around. I gritted my teeth, and pressed the gun closer. I didn't know what I should do.. I pulled the trigger.....
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