Unnoticed She used to be a woman you know, This figure who roams the street alone tonight, Dressed in white, sagging robe, and pale, ghostly complexion, She is missed by no one. As she steps into the road, A man walks by on his way to work, and is torn between stopping to help this lost soul, or making it for the 7.52 to Blackfriars, He makes the 7.52, but it's late, and he feels pangs of remorse. She used to be a lady you know, Decadent, refined and desired by many, Now she just walks the street alone, Forgotten and robbed by the ticking clock, Her face drained of #life, Her mouth, wide open, and searching, For someone, something, some intimate feeling. She roams the street alone, A cold day, A thin film of rain and grease covers the dirty street, and her linen shoes offer no protection, As she steps through her memories that circle around her. It's a sad day on this street, Sad that she can walk out into this street, Unnoticed, Sad that we walk on by and look at her, Unnoticed, Sad that her #life has passed her by, Unnoticed, Sad that her memories fade and lie down, Unnoticed. Someone takes her by the arm, And leads her out of the road, She'll be back inside, She'll remain, Unnoticed
Sienna Williamson
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Sienna Williamson
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