Chapter Three - For the Love of Crazy
The elephant graveyard she danced around was scary but magical. The long gone carcass and flesh left only bones and paths that intertwined between each ancient creature. A shadowy man stood stock still in the distance, seemingly looking at her. Strange, but the man made no sound, only stared, ghost like and willowy. She did hear the sound of the early morning birds, the ones up before the light of the sun. The 4am shadows of a cool Autumn morning lay all around her as the wood and bracken crackled beneath her feet. The smell of the pine trees fill her nostrils as she looked at how they surrounded the graveyard. In front of her they stood tall and proud, dominating the horizon. To her right seemingly smaller, but with just as much authority and to the left were younger trees, not yet reaching the potential of the other monstrous giants surrounding her. Just behind her were some newly planted saplings, and glancing at these she was reminded of family, a concept that filled her with dread. She starts to sing an old religious song from school, 'Give me Joy in my Heart' softly, as a sad kind of joy fills her heart. She catches another glimpse of the mysterious figure out of the corner of her eye, thinking of her father and all that was, all that could have been and all that would have been to come had the rain and ruin not descended.
Arabella awoke with a start. Not knowing where she was, still unable to extinguished the lines between the blurry dream state and reality she now found herself within. She felt beneath her a crude mattress that seemed to be covered with a waterproof sheet. Her skin was damp, clammy and stuck to the vinyl. The duvet was made of a course material she wouldn't have expected her cat to lay upon. Memories of the vivid pictures still coursing through her mind, her emotions blurry, she felt uneasy as her actual surroundings came into view.
Sitting up and looking around can make out a thick fire door. Feeling claustrophobic and trapped Arabella glances to the right of the door and sees a plastic curtain hanging down. 'Where am I?' She wondered, confused, panic beginning to set in. Grappling with the curtain, she fell into an automatically lit room, the brightness washing over her. Closing her eyes in an almost painful way, seeing symbols beneath her eyelids, the stars (five and six pointed), evil Hitler, the strange figure of a man and a helicopter. She felt as if the past and the future were colliding into one and she could not distinguish between the two.
As she fumbles about the bathroom her hand finds a touch sensitive button which releases a burst of water from a shower head, gasping she tries to reach up but is unable to grab hold of anything, eyes blinded by the sudden on-pour of water.
A foreign voice reached her ears as her screaming starts to become a high pitched squeal. She stopped abruptly, almost unaware she had even been screeching and listens intently, eyes still closed against the onslaught of water which was now slowly warming up. Thinking she had imagined things, still seeing the symbols flashing behind her eyelids, trying desperately to stop the water and whimpering softly she almost starts to cry out loud when she hears the strange woman's voice again, quieter this time.
"Arabella, what are you doing? You have all your clothes on!" Ursula says, tutting. "Come on now, get out of the shower. Do you know what time it is?"
But Arabella didn't, she was shivering as she felt the gentle tug on her arm. "Get off me" she screamed at the top of her voice, "I won't go! I won't do it anymore... I won't... I..."
"Come on girl, I am a nurse, you are safe." Ursula replies, tugging slightly more now to get the drenched Arabella out of the shower. "Let us get you some dry clothes now girl."
Blinking, Arabella starts to come to, finally relenting to the cool sound of the nurses broad caribbean accent. "Who are you?" She asks, hesitantly, not totally willing to believe it was definitely a nurse.
"I am Ursula, a nurse here at Rochdale. Please, come with me" she pulls harder at Arabella's arm, and Arabella starts to relent, gingerly emerging from the now steaming shower room. "There is a good girl" says Ursula to encourage her all the way. "You are safe here, come"
Arabella allows the nurse to lead her all the way out into the room she had came from, shivering she notices the light is now on and she can see the uncomfortable bed she had awoken upon. Also within the room was a relatively small wardrobe and a desk which looked like it was made of the same light coloured wood as the bed base and wardrobe. Blinking in the bright light she sees the duvet, dragged halfway across the room, it had a horrible green and yellow cover.
"My cats" she exclaimed, becoming hysterical again. "Were am I?"
"That is enough. You will wake the other patients. Come with me, now!"
i lied
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