For Nanna R.I.P. A star that once shimmered, then disappeared from sight Could etch no such memory, nor have burned so bright That it would seem as indestructible as you did. The laughter and smiles, only frowns that you hid Until you could hide them no more, in the dead o the night. Wise to so many, and friendly to so many more, Saying it exactly, what it was that you saw And yet without qualm, always willing to chat Making us pancakes, before we'd even sat Although now closed, you'd always opened your door! As hard as it is to have to say goodbye Never again to look into your eye Wishing to be better, for you to be proud Saying how we'd loved you, saying it loud So you can hear that and not hear me cry Of all the things we'd though you would know The one thing I remember, as clear as the snow Was thinking that you'd be here forever It seemed not to occur, now and never Your wonderful light would dim and go.
i lied
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