The Shadow Jumpers Chapter 1 - Tara Tara picked up her bag, relieved that another long day of work had finished. She shut down her computer and gladly watched the light on the screen die for another weekend. The smell of coffee was too strong for Tara, she had never liked coffee and was always glad when she could leave the office, and the fresh city air always did wonders for her head. "Be careful! You know what its like on these streets lately, Tara." Shouted her friend Flick with a worried expression. Who had seen a woman getting robbed just the day before. "You dont want to get yourself hurt!" "I'll be fine! Have a nice weekend!" Shouted Tara pushing the massive glass doors into the darkness with a huge smile slapped onto her face. "Ah, freedom." She sighed and took a big breath of the outside air. The smell of concrete, the cold air and rush of people all around her, this is where Tara wanted to be. Not in a small coffee filled office. Strolling, admiring every single towering street lamp, she began to smile. This was her favourite time of the day, walking home from work. Her and the nights sky alone, as well as the buildings around her. Her red heels clomping on the floor tapping to an imaginary rhythm. She always walked past a park. This was a check-point, she knew she was only 10 minutes away from home, but she heard a bush rustle. She looked behind her and there was nothing. She continued to walk, but added haste, she had been spooked but she didnt want to let it be apparent in case anyone was actually there. Then she heard another sound. She turned her head; the sweat began to drip down the side of her head. Her breathe escaping her mouth as a white mist, invading the sky under the street lamp. Her heart jumping around like a child after sweets, she didn't know what to do, but she knew there was someone, or something there. Her body froze, she couldnt move. Her breathe getting deeper and harder, her heart bumping faster and stronger, her head evaluating every situation. This time there was a shriek, Tara screamed and her whole world began to cave in on her, she didnt know what was happening, but it was happening to her. She was under some sort of evil spell, she couldnt move, yet her body was well awake and was ready to run, but why couldnt she? The streetlamp began to flicker, her shadow appearing, and then disappearing, like a person in its own right. Her eyes couldnt focus properly, and then the street lamp turned off. The darkness was mortifying, no one could see Tara, and Tara definitely couldnt see anybody, even if she could it would be no help, her throat had clenched together, constantly tightening, like a noose around her neck. She was mortified, she began to cry and then she felt something touching her leg. Was it her bag that she had dropped? She couldnt think what it could have been, but she was mortified, it began to move up her leg and to her neck. It held on tightly, taking her #life from her very mouth, she could feel it escaping, her #life flashing before her eyes, even the articles in the papers the day after she had been found. She closed her eyes, and wished for the light to come and take her. (I hope you enjoy this.. Chapter 2 coming soon!)
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