OBR - The Regulator - Day 3 The cliffs were a good choice. For the rest of day two he had annihilated a huge number of contestants in comparison to his first day. He was feeling alive with the killings, stronger and more confident. It had never been about the winning to him. This entire area was a playground for killing, and he intended to stay for as long as possible. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to blend in with the rock as his skin had now transformed to a pinkish red. During the night he had been attacked this time rather than crawled over. Not that any of those attackers survived. The cliffs were a huge flat area of land. He could see for about a mile in all directions without obstacle, able to see any challenger. His next attacker was closing in now, the distant figure slowly growing in the shimmering heat. He was small, human; easy. The human finally reached The Regulator and stood facing him, eyes darting around, inspecting his target. He appeared to have no weapons. Where was the fun in that? The man started to circle the beast, analysing every aspect of his rock exterior. The Regulator was getting impatient now. What was he trying to do? “Regulator?” the man asked inquisitively, “Regulator of what exactly?” So the man could understand the Warrior Race’s native tongue. His name had been engraved on the back of his neck when he was born, part of the ritual. “Regulator of #life, of death. Of consequence,” the demonic titan replied in earthquake tones. The man did not respond, instead he seemed almost bored, eyes still analysing. Eventually the colossal man gave in. “What are you doing?” he roared. “Looking for your weaknesses” The monster laughed and huge chunks of rock tumbled from the cliff edge with every inflection. “I have no weaknesses.” It was the human’s turn to laugh now. “Well then already you have one. Your failure to identify and acknowledge your own weaknesses. Your arrogance will lead to your fall.” He walked near the cliff edge, then took a wild jump towards him. The Regulator reacted defensively, even though the human hadn't actually touched him. "So why is it that you do not attack unless you are attacked yourself? Is it an attempt to justify your actions? Make it okay to do what you do?" The Regulator swooped his angry fist down towards the human simply to defy his logic. He quickly jumped out of the way, leaving a cracked outline of the gargantuan hand imprinted into the cliff edge. "You call yourselves the 'warrior race'. There is no war. You kill to kill. Coward." The Regulator's eyes burned with raging embers. He slammed both clenched fists at the puny human, who again manoeuvred out the way. "All you are is a piece of vermin." The beast's arms were trembling now. Eyes glowing demonically. He lifted a foot and stamped down hard, another miss. He screamed in anger as the human simply jumped to the side, conserving his energy. the cracks in the rock were showing deep now. "You weak," another miss, "weak," a raised arm, "vermin." The Regulator's fist exploded to the floor. He looked up, breathing heavily. Strike. He smiled the largest smile since his arrival on the island. The human's lower legs were trapped beneath his stone hands. "Who's weak now, human?" The human looked up at the demon, face twisted in pain. "Your blindness..." he paused to breathe, "leads to your fall." His eyes lowered to the cliff edge, and The Regulator's followed suite. The ground started to shake as the realisation unfurled. The cliff had cracked all around him from his powerful hits and began to sink and tumble away. "No," he roared, afraid for the first time, "NO." He scrambled at the loose rock face as the floor crumbled around him. In a final fit of anger, he raised his arm high and brought it down onto the humans grinning skull, pulverising it into the ground. The hit triggered the final push. The rushing sound of crashing waves engulfed him as he fell into the depths. His weight dragged him further and further, darkness growing denser and denser. He hit the bottom of the ocean with a thud and stayed motionless. From nearby a flurry of commotion erupted. Peering through the darkness he could just about make out the outline of some enormous creature, the likes of which he had never seen. It's serpentine figure arose from its sea bed, disturbed from its ancient sleep. It stared into The Regulator's soul, then charged with all it's might. The red burning eyes extinguished immediately. #OBR
Tom Curtis
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