Strange Happenings - Chapter 19
The day dragged on without incident. Darren was told he would begin his treatment with Dr Peterson tomorrow and that he should just relax until then.
Everyone on the ward was allowed a certain element of freedom during the day, everyone except the Prince's host, who just sat handcuffed to the bed. To those unaware of the possession, he was just lost in his own sick world, refusing to eat, drink, sleep or talk. To those who knew, he was simply waiting for the right moment.
Darren and his newly formed allies had other ideas about that. This was the night that Charles Tomkins had been waiting for, for over 30 years. A night that would bring some sort of sanity back to Darren's #life as well. Tonight, they would rid this world of the Prince for all eternity.
The old patient had been clear on how the Prince transported himself. He left and entered the body from the host's nose and mouth. The plan was to stop that from happening and permanently seal him in. It was an simple but complicated plan. They had to kill the host, that was unavoidable but it would be for the greater good.
They also had to bury the body. Somewhere, where it would never be found. It was complicated but they were determined. Charles Tomkins said he could get them free of their handcuffs but getting out of the institution was another thing altogether.
At 9.30 pm, everybody was cuffed to their beds by the left wrist. The Prince's host had been forced to lie down and then strapped to the bed. The lights were dimmed and the orderly's had left the ward.
About 10 minutes later, Tomkins appeared at Darren's bedside and got to work on the cuff. Once it was unlocked, Tomkins disappeared to get the old patient. Darren walked towards the Prince's host, exactly as planned.
The Host opened his eyes wide at the sight of Darren. It's mouth opened slightly just as Tomkins and the old patient threw the heavy plastic bag over his head and tied it firmly around his neck with thick electrical cord that they had taken from a lamp earlier. Tomkins pulled the cord tighter and tighter but making sure he didn't damage the bag. They saw the bag expand and for a moment they thought it would burst. Then they felt the host stiffen up and die and the bag went back to its normal size.
The old patient felt the bag and pinched the host's nostrils shut while Darren forced the jaw upwards. Tomkins took out a needle and thread that he had stolen earlier and then commenced in firstly stitching the nose firmly closed and then the mouth. Everything went without a hitch. It was perfect but now came the difficult part. They had to get out with the body. Darren came up with an idea....
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