Wickedwords #wickedwords Thank you for letting me come first @magicmilkshake. Ok so now I have to choose a word… that word is… 'Trust' Let's see what people can do with this word. The deadline is Monday, after school. Around 40. Ok let's see what people can do with trust.
read more...A Forgotten Past #2 CHAPTER TWO -it's shorter than the other one but it's the second part please comment what you think. Hope you enjoy!- "Come in." I coughed weakly. "You alright?" mum asked kneeling next to me and feeling my forehead "I've been calling you for ages. Lunch is ready." "I'm not hungry." I mumbled hiding the necklace under my bed. "Eat something, please?" mum said not seeming to have noticed the necklace "You'll feel better." I groaned but got up. After lunch I went back to the necklace. I grabbed the chain and put it around my neck again. No images or voices came. I decided to go down to the church. I grabbed my coat and scarf and closed the door. I was to busy thinking to realise there was a group of policemen standing outside the church. It was too late to walk back so I carried on as if to go to town. "Afternoon madame." said one policemen. He waved as I went by. "Hello." I replied nervously. I waited in town for what felt like hours. I found a pound on the floor and bought a drink to keep me going. When the clock said three I headed back home. I noticed that the police weren't outside the church anymore. I moved slowly towards the misty place. I felt a jolt around my neck. I took the necklace off and placed it in the palm of my hand. It opened like a locket. I stood there for a minute, in silence, wondering what to do next. "Open it, use the key and open it." whispered a voice that sounded like it came from the necklace. 'What key?' I thought. I looked at the necklace. Was that the key? I looked at it more closely, examining the necklace for clues that might explain where this 'key' was. I suddenly remembered The dream I had had while wearing the necklace. The key had been taken out of something. What was that 'something'? I heard voices. Coming from round the corner. I slipped the necklace back over my head and ran behind a bush that was close by. "…top looked so good on you." I heard one voice say "Looked better on you and…" there voices faded as they walked further out of my listening reach. I sighed and went back to the door. Then it hit me. I took the necklace off and put it on the palm of my hand as I had done before. The necklace opened quickly, only making a small click as a sound. I looked inside of the open necklace, hoping my thought was right. I laughed quietly to myself. I had found the key, eventually. I took the key out of the necklace and held it up to the sky. It was oddly shaped. The top was shaped like a three leaf clover. All the way down was a zig zig line, that led to a square. I shrugged and pushed the key, square first, into the tiny keyhole. There was lots of loud unlocking clicks and the sliding of something, all on the other side of the doors. It suddenly went quiet. I took a slow step forward, snapping a twig as I did. I gently pushed on the left door and it opened. The atmosphere remained quiet. I took another step and then realised I was standing in the doorway of the church. A red, felt carpet covered the floor. Oak wood benches stood, varnished, in rows of seven, left and right. Bibles, and other books, we're dotted around on the benches and chairs. I walked through the centre of it all, brushing my fingers along the smooth benches. A soft breeze blew through the open doors and made me shiver. No light shone through the stain glass windows. The whole church darkened. I heard sniggers. Laughter.
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