Run Away Princess Part 2 I ran through the vast fields and into the forest thinking one thing "Best birthday ever!" Which it was, I never thought asking for a unicorn when I was little would pay off so much! There were voices behind me such as "There she is! Get the princess! The king will be very upset!" And other things like that. I kicked White Storm, my unicorn, and with amazing speed we were in the forest I couldn't even hear the men's voices anymore! We slowed to a walk because she was very tired but she stood strong. Soon we found a small spring, I looked up at the sky seeing it was almost night. "Have we been running that long?" I wondered out loud. There were voices in the forest and animals that sounded as if they were dying. The voices got closer until I felt a sharp pain in my back, I turned to see three men one with a bow pointed at me, the other two smirking with their swords drawn. I knew it was the end for me.
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