The Symbol-23 Chapter-23 Gage picked up the envelopes and handed me the one that had my name on it. I opened the envelope and read the note that was inside. It said that I was chosen to attend the attack planning and give my input on strategies. "Did you make it too?" I asked looking up from the note. "Yeah." He smiled. I sat down on the bed next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. "When is the meeting?" I asked as Gage wrapped his arm around my waist. I watched him as he checked his watch and opened his eyes wider. "What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on top of his. "The meetings in five minutes." He replied standing up from he bed, pulling me up with him, "We gotta hurry or we'll be late." We ran out of the room and started sprinting down the hall. "Do you know the way there?" I asked keeping my pace to match Gage's. "Yeah." He replied, "Hang a left up ahead." We ran down the halls and around corners until we came to a stop in front of a large door. Inside, I saw a huge table with a map of Camp laying flat on the center. Around the table I saw Zach, Adam and several other people who I assumed were the heads of the other Skills. I followed Gage who walked up to Zach and did some sort of handshake with him before turning and studying the map. "What was that?" I asked as I walked over to stand next to him. "What was what?" He asked back intertwining his fingers with mine. "That weird handshake you and Zach just did." I replied turning my head to look at him. "Oh, Zach is my best friend." He answered, "He and I came to Camp together two years ago when we both got letters like you did. Even before then we were friends." I nodded and turned back to the map just as Adam walked up to the table. "You all have been chosen to help with the planning of our attack on the militia who took our camp from us." He began, placing both hands on the table. "Zach, you and your two champions are more skilled with strategy than any of us here. What do you suggest?" Zach stared at the map for a while before answering him. "I think we should prepare squads to enter from here and here." Zach pointed at two spaces near the training building. "If we enter there the guards will see us coming from a mile away." I said. "The guards already patrol that side more than any others because that's where they found me and Gage. I suggest that we head in from the other side of the living quarters." I pointed to the edge of the woods near the living quarters. Adam stared at the map for a moment before speaking. "What if we surround Camp and come from all directions?" He asked. After that the boys bickered about who should be positioned where and what they would attack. I stayed out if this because Adam, Gage, and Zach were getting into a huge debate about wether the shape-shifters should be posted behind the cafeteria or near the main gate and I didn't want to get involved. By the end of the meeting, each squad had a even distribution of Skills, had a position, and a main objective to go for. "We will begin the attack at midnight tonight which is in 2 hours. I will see you all at the entrance beforehand To go over the plan one last time if needed. Good luck." Gage and I were the first ones to leave the room and start heading down the hall. Once back in our room, I flopped on my bed and began staring at the ceiling. "If you want to get a little shut eye I can wake you up in an hour." Said Gage as he laid down next to me. "Thanks." I replied curling up next to him and lying my head on his chest. I drifted off as I listened to the strong, steady beat of his heart.
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