My Tree I sat beside you day and night Whispering my every secret until I saw the first morning light Some nights Your branches became my bed And sometimes while I dreamt your words filled my head pictures appeared in your bark and with my finger i traced faces in the dark everyday you watched the world pass by whilst beneath you I would lie you saw all, and i sometimes wonder if you knew what fate had in store for you I climbed higher every single day until i could almost reach out and touch the stars and in those moments the whole world was ours this was no magic, no sorcery just the beauty of the universe for you and me you were my shelter from the rain and the cold you were my escape from the demons of the world you were my only friend but one summer you came to an end they chopped you down but they dont know how I cared about you so they killed you and the moment you hit the floor my childhood died too
Beauty Beauty is something you never really see It's like that peaceful silence in the middle of night Nothing really but it changes your mood Takes you to the brink of the thoughts you rarely dare to think It chills you to the core And leaves you breathless in awe I found It in you Smash the mirror And it will be much clearer It's so pure and true And it radiates from you Like warmth or light Guides you in the middle of the night When I am lowest I turn to you I just hope one day you'll know what's true Because to me You are the very definition of beauty
The Game Night turns to day, and day to night My #life is just a never ending fight A fake smile has its place Upon my darkened face I smile so they will not realise That what lies behind my eyes Is fear and hopelessness Nothing more and nothing less I no longer wish to feel this pain I still hold the knife But I don't have the control in my #life I gave away the control through fear But I cant get angry or cry a tear Because I only have myself to blame For starting this endless game It's my move next, but I don't know what to do Do I finally give in? After all this time, can I let them win? Sorry I haven't written for ages, I don't really have a reason. Hope you enjoyed this anyway
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