A Day In the #life Of Me ! ( different things happen on different days so I will choose my busiest day - Thursday !!) 5:30- wake up, 5:35- take a shower 5:45- get dry and do my hair 60- get changed into uniform 6:10- take my dog for a walk 6:50- feed my dog and wake up my family (it's like my chore. Because I have to get up so early !) 70- help my dad with breakfast 7:20- finish eating and go upstairs 7:30- get wash and do my makeup 7:40- pack my bag (This includes making lunch, getting all the right books and etc.) 80- walk to school with my year 6 sister. (I'm year7) 8:10- meet my friend at the newsagents 8:20- drop my sister off and then walk to my school. (They are about 3 minuets away) 8:25ish- get to school and chat with friends 8:45- go to first class (week 1- Design and Technology. Week 2- French) 9:45- finish lesson and make my way to my tutor. 105- finish tutor time, meet up with friends and then go to break. (At break I usually chat with my boyfriend and my mates. I usually go to my locker before this ^ To get my PE kit.) 10:20- go to my next lesson (Wk1- P.E, Wk2- Science) 11:20- finish lesson and head to next. (Wk1- Science Wk-2 P.E, 12:20- LUNCH TIME ! (I'd go and get my lunch, and then just do homework or just hang out !) 1:15- go to 4th lesson. (1-English 2-history) 2:15- go to last lesson. (Both mathematics) 3:15- go home !! 3:20- meet my sister at the school gates. 3:45- get home 4:30- get changed into football kit 5:30- go to football training 6:30- go home 70- have dinner ( until 100 I just chill ! ) Comment on your day !! Thanks
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