My Tree I sat beside you day and night Whispering my every secret until I saw the first morning light Some nights Your branches became my bed And sometimes while I dreamt your words filled my head pictures appeared in your bark and with my finger i traced faces in the dark everyday you watched the world pass by whilst beneath you I would lie you saw all, and i sometimes wonder if you knew what fate had in store for you I climbed higher every single day until i could almost reach out and touch the stars and in those moments the whole world was ours this was no magic, no sorcery just the beauty of the universe for you and me you were my shelter from the rain and the cold you were my escape from the demons of the world you were my only friend but one summer you came to an end they chopped you down but they dont know how I cared about you so they killed you and the moment you hit the floor my childhood died too
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Kim Smith
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