Don't You Love Me? Part 3 -Thea- The bell rings so we dash inside. Me and Tom don't have the same lessons, me having Literacy and him having Food Tech so I am upset. I walk into the classroom, after being escorted their by Tom. I said goodbye and stepped into the classroom. Tilly! Yes! I spotted Tilly sitting at an empty desk and run over, dumping my books on the seat beside her. "Thea! Hi!" she says. "Hi Tilly!" I reply just as our teacher begins blabbering on about some boring stuff about metaphors or something. I take Notes of what he said in my book, and then it's end of class. End of class. Lunch! Yay! I was just beginning to feel hungry! I follow Tilly to the lunch hall, take some food and sit down with her at Toms table. We have a chat about lessons, and then it's the end of the day. "you go home after lunch!?" I exclaim. "Only on Mondays!" Tilly replies. I grab my bag from the lockers, and find Tom Waiting for my by the exit of the school. "Wanna come round sometime?" He asks, flicking his glossy hair off his face. "Sure, not today though. How about... Tommorow?" I ask. "Ok. See ya then!" He replies and wanders off with Tilly. Time to go Home. HOME. HHHOOOMMMEEE. The one place I do not want to go. Peeling wallpaper, damp Ceilings, no heating... It had been like this at our old house. We're just too poor. I take as long as I can to get home, before I find myself half an hour later, knocking at the red and grey door of my house.
@Crowncottage @Crowncottage I was reading through some Opusses and Everywhere you are inspiring and helping everyone! I can't put into words how amazing you are, and you help us all! I just want to thank you for all you have done for us (Although you may think you've done nothing!!!) and I feel others think the same! Here's a random #poem for you!!: Thank you, Thank you, Where would Opuss be without someone like you? Im not referring there to Adele, Though she quite good, Quite swell! I just want to say, You make our day, You are a Opuss Superstar! You help us improve, You give advice, You create #poems, For us mice! I just want to say, You make our day, You are a Opuss Superstar!!!
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