Leave Me Breathless (1) Love: what happens when the person your destined to be with is dying, let alone know that you exist? My OC.. _______ Name:Annabelle Roscoe Age:14 Hair:blonde Eye:gray and dull Complexionale Height:3'2 Weight:29lbs Personality:sweet Extra:On deathbed..with cancer @ChibiBear
In The Dark (2) ..8 months earlier.. I was standing in the front of the classroom. My books against my small chest, and I looked down. "Class I would like you to welcome Miss Hendricks." The teacher Mr. Smith said. I just waved to the class before looking down again. The teacher pointed me to a seat beside Tyson Reed. Tyson was the jock. He had shaved head but you could easily tell he had black hair. And blue eyes that you could just swim in. I just sat there and drew in my notepad and I noticed Tyson was watching me, and a light crimson color stained my cheeks. "H-hi.." I said quietly. "Hi, I'm Tyson..but you can call me Ty." He said. A charming but greedy smile slipped onto his face. My green eyes sparkled but I hid it behind my blonde hair. "Nice to meet you Ty..I'm April.." I said quietly.
In The Dark (1) I was running. I don't know where to, but I felt the cold air brush against my face giving me frost bite. Why did I have to be weak and pathetic? Why did I have to ruin everything I touch..why did I have to hurt the one person who possibly could be the only person who actually loved me. I ruined it all..I'm just a #life ruiner. Everyone could be a lot happy if I never existed.. "April!! Wait!!" I heard being called behind me. But I completely ignored it and kept on running.
Insanity (ChibiBear)
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