Steve stood behind the bar, his big frame blocking the tv screen behind his back. A damp musky tea towel sat in his hand sucking the moisture out of the chipped glass. His face was pale with freckly cheeks, his mouth drooped down to his chin. " Oi mate move out the way!" Steve raised his eyebrows but jumped out of the way and turned to see the big screen behind, " chief of FBI said Tara Morgan was murdered, here in these woods shot 5 times in the head with a pistol! But the body has been taken to FBI's base and has been thoroughly examined." " Oh my God, poor kid oh well." The man sat beer in hand, while poor Steve clasping his tea towel, a single tear ran down his cheek falling down into the glass.
" Ok yes I knew Tara, she was a lovely girl. Why all these questions anyway ?Why am I here?" The interrogation room was hot and clammy the smell of tobacco and coffee wafted through the air. Steve figited in his seat uncomfortably a bead of sweat running down his forehead. " You tell me, according to our sources you to were in a volitile violent relationship" McGuire stared coldly at Steve from across the cheap flimsy desk. He desperately wanted to hurt this man who sat a foot away from him. The anger grew in side him looking at the blank pathetic face of this bully. McGuire smashed his fist onto the table screaming an inch away from the face of this animal in front of him Steve helplessly feel backwards off of the plastic chair his eyes widening and his heart thumping in his chest.
The wind rustled through the trees the snow crunched under the flat tyres
of Abby's bike, her hair blew in the strong wind tears rolling down her small face her back pack bounced as she sped down the bumpy trail. her legs pumping furiously as she made her way up the dusky path.she pulled up her bike next to the same tree Tara had awaited her lonely death. She sat down and pulled out her sketch pad and looked up at the beautiful surroundings around he. Tired and hungry Abby turned to see Steve standing there she jumped back on her bike but she was to late...