Translate   10 years ago

⬇️Don't Look Down⬇️ My blistered feet rubbed against the sand, telling me to stop in my tracks. I pulled the gun from my pocket staring at the snarling wolf he stared into my eyes and showed me his sparkling teeth. I held the gun pointed at its face shaking with fear, I stepped away slowly, hoping I didn't need to use it. Suddenly it began pacing towards me then breaking into a run, I began to sprint away. There was no one for miles on this abandoned island all I hoped was that there wasn't a pack of wolves to go with the lone wolf. I was still running my heart was pounding and my feet were red raw. "Ahhh" I screamed as the wolf grabbed onto my ankle dragging me through the dusty desert my eyes were watering and I couldn't see a thing all I knew was I was in a desert being dragged by my ankle by a wolf. I was praying for my #life my forehead was dripping with sweat I cried into my sweater and all I was thinking of was why had I come alone to see a crime scene in the middle of nowhere at night why had I left my family for this? We had stopped. The wolf had put me down, slowly I sat up rubbing the water and dirt out of my eyes. I was still gripping the gun, but I just couldn't use it I turned to look at the wolf but it had disappeared instead I was in a filthy hole in pitch black and laying in front of me was a man a dead man. All of a sudden I realised the wolf didn't want to kill me at all he wanted to get me back to my race and the poor man wasn't alone he was surrounded by yellow tape and there was people in black jackets with shiny gold bages. " Hey" yelled a deep voice, I turned round sharply to see a tall broad man towering over me. " I asked my husky to bring you here I hope he didn't go to rough" he took my hand and sat me down on a tree stump " I've got something to tell you" he became soft and was stroking my hand he was looking down past me to the floor I could tell it was bad news, " your daddy was being stalked by somebody who doesn't like him" he became stern again i didn't like it when he was stern . " your daddy has been murdered and the FBI will be looking after you and one more question where did you get that gun?" I fell to the ground in tears I sat crying into my dusty sweater. The tall man tried to pat me on the back but I just pushed his heavy hands away from me

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