Story In a neighborhood not too different from mine or yours was a boy and a girl. The boys name was tony and the girls was jessica. They were best friends for several years and always hung out every chance they got. They were not seniors in high school and were worrying like all seniors, where they would be going to college. The boy really liked the girl but never told anyone. Not even his friends. If anything ever happened to one another they would always tell each other. They took care of each other like family. One day jessica stopped coming to school and stopped answering his texts. So he started asking her other friends what was wrong. Whenever he asked any of them they would just look at each other and told him to go ask her himself. So after school that day he went to her house and her mother answered the door. The mothers eyes were red and she was holding a napkin. When he asked what was wrong she told him to go upstairs and see jessica and ask her. Jessica's parents knew tony for a long time so they trusted him to go wherever in their house and to be around their daughter. When he got upstairs, jessica was in her bed and she appeared to by crying. He sat on her bed and held her hand asking what was wrong. She told him she had gone to the doctors today for a regular check up and they found she had stage 3 brain cancer. The doctors told her she has a chance to fight through it. Tony kept his composure and told her he would be by her side and fight this with her. He told her he would take a bullet for her. Then he finally got the nerve to ask her out and she said yes. As the days passed, it turned to weeks. The weeks turned to months. They were fighting through her cancer treatments like bonnie and clyde on a heist. They went on dates, they kissed, held hands, went to her treatments together, they were inseperatable. Then one day while they were walking down the hall holding hands, she started to slow down. Tony looked over at her and her eyes were slowly closing. She started to fall but tony caught her in his arms and laid her down on the ground, still holding her hand he starts barking out orders at people to call for help and to give her room to breathe. All you could hear was her breathing and that was it. The ambulance arrived and took tony and jessica to the hospital. Tony had called Jessica's parents to let them know what was going on. She was laid out on a hospital bed and they checked on the progression of the cancer. They told them that her treatments stopped working and the cancer continued to spread rapidly without detection. The doctors gave them best guess at a couple of hours left to live. Tony spent those hours with her, holding her hand while she was unconscious watching for any movement and was watching the heart monitor like an eagle. each second to him felt like days and every hour felt like years. It was coming around to the fifth hour when the heart monitor went off. She had no pulse. Doctors came rushing in, using electric paddles and everything they could but it was all in vain. Jessica had passed that night with tony by her side. The next day was a living hell for everyone. As tony walked through the halls nobody would talk. Nobody would look up either. Utter silence from class to class. The teachers of Tonys classes were silent. They didn't even teach the class. He looked around the room. Everyone had their heads facing down, not a single face looking up and he saw, lying on Jessica's desk, several flowers and cards of condolence that nobody would ever read or receive. Tony got up, took a piece of poster paper and made a card right then and there. On the card he wrote "i told you i'd take a bullet for you" on it and placed it on the desk. Everyone was watching him as he pulled out a .357 revolver, put it to his head and pull the trigger.
The Orchid
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