My First Punishment Assignment I was feeling down and quite insignificant so I told Sir, expecting to be comforted, as a girlfriend might be. How wrong was I. Sorry Sir, you're right, I was being needy. I'm quite sure I've learnt my lesson, no double texts, etc.. I'm just not sure how I stop feeling down though. Anyway, my punishment for being needy is a 2000 word story on our first meeting. I did ask to be punished by writing lines, to reinforce some positive thoughts in my mind, but that was turned down.. Now I am quite into the story and happily writing away but when it comes to posting I know I'll be in an awful place, fear of failure is a big part of my #life, I hate to not do well, so I don't even try. Now I'm being forced to. I do see the good in Sir for this, but am aware it could easily backfire. (2am 3.4.13)
Sarah εÑз
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