If you are in any way offended by the following warning(s), please do not take it out on me, or anybody else you might find suitable for your rage. The warning(s) are as following: Swearing, Animal cruelty, "Mild" child abuse
"It's chilly, it's cold. And yet it's warm to touch... Why?" The tiny, almost naked, body of the young girl is shivering, in the side of the street. She touches the snow, with her left hand, while keeping a firm grab on something with her right hand. Suddenly shouts can be heard, from the inside of house, that she is lying up against. Fighting. "Maryann, I don't want to hear about how you don't know where it is, I just want you to give me the necklace!" It's a rough voice of a man, that the little girl knows very well. His calls are answered. " George, I told you time after time... I can't give it to you if I don't know where it is..." A voice of a female, that the young girl knows just as well as the man. Her voice is shrouded by tears. The young girl loosens her grasp on the item in her right hand, and a golden chain slips out of it. "If dad didn't shout at mom for others mistakes, then maybe, just maybe, our family would finally go together..." She then slowly gets up, ready to run away when her dad takes the fight outside as usual. Nothing happens, it's just like everything stops in motion. "Where are they? They should be here by now..." The girl asks herself, before noticing it: the sound has stopped. No shouts, no tears, no cries of pain or screams of horror. Nothing, even the girl's dog is silent. "What in the..?" She asks herself, as the door opens, and something rather large is thrown outside into the cold, with an indescribable sound. Well, maybe not indescribable, but indescribable for anybody that realises what was thrown. The girl runs over to the thrown item, tears rolling down her eyes. "This time he went too far. No, he went too far every time, every day." A dog begins to bark loudly inside the house, and the girl saves her tears for later, and goes inside to confront her father. "You're next, you fucking dog!" The girl walks inside with firm steps, as she shouts at her dad. "George, if you hurt Pug, I will obliterate you!" "Shut up, Irene, or you're gonna get bitten by the dog as well!" The girl opens a closet in her parents bedroom, and opens the secret room in back of it, revealing the gun, which she picks up, and hides in the back of her pants. "Just in case." She says to herself with a cold voice. When she reaches the kitchen, wherein her dad is, she sees the dog lying in a pool of blood. She looks up to see her dad standing with a knife in one hand, and a green bottle in the other. "You bastard..." She says, just loud enough for her dad to hear. "My daughter... My sweet, sweet daughter, you're okay, you're really okay..." He whispers to himself, before miming the words "Thank God" to himself. Ironically the words that thanks his saviour for #life of one, is also his last. A gunshot is fired, and one more child winds up isolated, forgotten, distant. Alone.
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