My FAQ #1 Yes, these are frequently asked questions (FAQ). You would be surprised, by the amounts of times I've been asked these questions. Q: "Have you ever killed someone? A: "Not yet... *diabolic laughter*" Q: "Will the next word you're going to say be ’no?‘" A: ... (I didn't speak until the next day) Q: "Are you a duck?" A: "No, I don't think so." Q: "Are you sure you're not a duck?" A: "Quite" Q: "What do you want to do when you go out of that bed?" A: "Get back in." Q: "Do you hate me?" A: "Well, I certainly don't love you!" Q: "Do you love anyone?" A: "No. But that might just be because of me having an isolated childhood, due to disease. And therefore I was shielding myself, in order for me not to get hurt emotionally. Nah, screw that! I'm just a cold bastard!"
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