Paralyzed (part 5)
Chapter 4
"Claire! Claire!" I jolt awake, and turn to find Chandler shaking me. "What?"I say in a tired voice. "It's Christmas that's what now wake up." he says still shaking me. I sit up, and glare at him slightly annoyed. "I really don't have an interest in watching other people's joy, when I myself live in misery. Besides it's. Not like I have a reason to join you. Your parents adopted me too late in the season to be able to get me anything." I say dropping back down onto my bed. "You'd be wrong." says Chandler in a dissapointed tone. I sit up, and stare at him in disbelief. "You mean that your parents got me presents?" I say shocked. "No" he says. I frown and begin to lay back down, but he grabs my arm. "Our parents got you presents." he finishes. Although I don't agree with him I'm stil very excited. I never would've thought that I'd get presents. "Fine, I'm coming." I say smiling. I begin to pull myself towards my wheelchair, but Chandler scoops me up and sets me in it before I can. We race to the living room, I stop when I see the beautiful tree. It's lit up, covered in ornaments, and has one of the most gorgeous stars on the top. The most beautiful I've ever seen is that of my family. Our star was hand crafted by our ancestors, and passed down to generation after generation. It was always one of my favorites. Every Christmas Eve my father would put me on his shoulders, and I'd put the star on the top of the tree. Then we'd set out cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. My dad would then gather up the whole family at exactly eleven fifty five, and we'd read the story of the nativity. By the time he'd finished it would be midnight. "Merry Christmas!" he would exclaim, and then my brother and I would run up the stairs and climb into bed. On Christmas Eve my brother and I always slept in the bedroom. There was a big window that looked out onto the part of the roof that was closest to the chimney. We'd stay up, and watch the window. We were convinced if we stayed up long enough we'd see Santa, but we never did. Are eye lids would become heavy, and give up the fight to stay open. Although we were never too disappointed. We always had the presents he sent. I voice snaps me out of my pleasant day dream. "I'm opening the first present!" yells Garrett as he runs down the steps. I hear a stampede of feet following after him. "But I wanted to." I hear Jason call out. "Fine, who ever gets there first gets to open the first present." says Garrett stopping on the steps. "That's not fair!" screams April running down the steps. " Yeah, we had to get Alyssa!" yells May in agreement. I hear Garrett start running again. "Too bad!" he yells out. I hear Garrett's feet pounding the floor, and I realize my wheelchair is in the middle of the hallway. I look up at Chandler, and by the look on his face I can see he has also noticed. Although we realize to late. Garrett comes crashing through the hallway slamming my wheelchair into the wall, and sends it tipping over on its side. "I win!" Garrett shouts doing a victory dance. Chandler kneels down to pick me up. The rest of the children come running into to what caused the loud noise. Their grandparents soon fly out of the guest room. "What on Earth happened here!" yells the grandfather. Chandler is still pulling me up, having a bit of trouble with his grip. Mr. And Mrs. Green soon show up as well. "Chandler," says Mrs. Green in gritting her teeth in anger, "what happened?" Chandler pulls one last time, and I am right side up again. "What happened, I'll tell you what happened Garret's big far head is what happened." he says in anger. He explains what happened to the rest of the Greens. "Garrett!" yells Mr. Green in anger. "It's fine," I blurt out trying to restore peace, "I'm not hurt. He was just excited he couldn't help it." Every looks at me in confusion. Which they have every right to. Garrett and I have had bad blood between us since the day we met. And, though this may sound cruel, nothing would make me happier than for Garrett to get in trouble for something. But I didn't do this for Garrett's sake, I just wanted to have a nice Christmas. Maybe forget my sorrow. "Are you sure you're ok?" asks Mr. Green. "I'm fine," I reply, "now how about we just forget all this, and continue with our holiday." I say smiling. Every one agrees, and we all gather around the tree. "I think Alyssa should go first. It is her first Christmas." says Mrs. Green holding the little girl. "Then Claire should go next. It's her first Christmas with the us too." say Chandler smiling. Baby Alyssa opens her first present, and finds that it's a doll. I open my first one, and find clothes. Everyone begins tearing open presents. I get music, clothes, gift cards, books, and lots of other stuff too. Soon there's only one present left for each of us. Apparently it's a tradition of theirs to save the best present till after dinner. "April May!" calls Mrs. Green. "What?" answers May. " Come on the two of you are gonna help me and you're grandmother make dinner." she replies. The two girls skip into the kitchen. I roll my way into the kitchen, and peer over the counter. "Do you need anything Claire?" asks grandma Sinclair. "No, no I'm fine. I just thought maybe I could help. I feel guilty sitting around, while the rest of you are working." I say. Mrs.
Sinclair and Mrs. Green look at each other, and then look back at me. "Hold on one second Claire. I'll be right back." says Mrs. Green taking her mother by the arm. They walk into the dining room, and I hear them whisper to each other. I look at April and May as they mix together ingredients for a cake. "You know you really shouldn't have offered to help." says April in a smirky tone. "Excuse me?" I say back my voice agitated. "Yeah, you'll just be in the way." agrees May. Although their words sting, I know the are true. Mrs. Green and her mother walk back into the kitchen. "Well Claire," she says smiling, "you can help me bake cookies, or help me make the stuffing, or maybe make - ." I cut her off in mid sentence. "You know I think it's crowded enough in here already. I'll just go read." I say rolling out of the kitchen. I make my way to the living room to retrieved my book. On the floor Garrett, Jason, and Alyssa are playing with their new toys. I hear Mr. Green call Garrett's name, from the foyer. Garrett obediently runs to his father. Being curious, as I am, I eavesdrop from behind a corner. "Garrett, do you remember what happened to Claire today?" asks Mr. Green. "Yes," he answers. "Look Garrett, do you remember when we told you guys Jason was gonna be born?" asks Mr. Green. "Yes," Garrett repeats. "Remember how we said you'd have to be really careful and easy when the baby comes, because it could get hurt. Well think of Claire as a new baby. We have to be careful around her, so we don't hurt her. Do you understand?" says Mr. Green. "Yeah, I do." replies Garrett. I hear Garrett's footsteps on the floor, and then they are suddenly halted. "Garrett you got off easy today because Claire was nice, and gave you a freebie. But if this happens again you'll get a spanking." Mr. Green finishes. With the those last words he spoke I rolled away. I didn't feel like reading my book anymore. I decided to stay in my room, and watch the snow fall until dinner. We ate a huge feast for dinner. Well at least everyone else did. I don't eat much anymore. After dinner was we all went to the living room to open up our last, and best, gifts. It's youngest first, and we watched as baby Alyssa tore at the paper. The present that she got was a brand new doll. Next was Jason, who got a cowboy costume. Then Garrett, who got a remote control car. After that Chandler, who three new video games. All that was left was me. They handed me the present, and watched anxiously. I slowly ripped it open, and found it was a scrapbook. I open to the first page speechless. Seeing pictures of me and my family on our trip to Florida. I turn to the next page, and see me and my family on my ninth birthday. I smile, the biggest smile since the day my family died. I flip to the next page, and begin to cry seeing pictures of the day we brought Nick home for the first time. I lay my face down in the book. Crying tears of joy for once. I smile through the tears showing everyone the pictures explaining what was happening in each one. They all smile with me. Happy that for once I'm happy. I flip through happy memories, and stop at one page. Running my hand over a picture of little blonde headed boy, with light green eyes, and a little league baseball uniform. I cry out as if someone had wounded me. Tears flow from my eyes without end, and Chandler pulls me into his arms. Speaking comforting words, but not even this makes the pain stop. The pain of looking at the last picture my brother ever took.
Sarah Wood
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