Earth Fell Listen children listen well To a story I shall tell We hurt our Mother Earth you see And now the world is crumbling Acid rains fall from from the skies The burn of the clouds stinging cries Crystal waters turn sickly green Wild animals are no where to be seen Mountains turn to rocks and tumble Volcanoes grow impatient and rumble Mother Earth took care of us Gave us all what was a must She gave air to breath, water to drink, and seed to plant in dirt But all we gave to Mother Earth was only pain and hurt We dug her up for the gems beneath her skin Threw our trash on her, we hurt her without end But Mother Earth did give it back She scooped up all her anger, and planned her attack Gathered all the treasures she gave one day And simply took them all away Left her children in the dark And stopped the madness her kindness sparked She hadn't come back since Because we made her heart grow dense How we wish we could undo it all Go back to before it all went wrong Listen children listen well To the story of how Earth fell
Sarah Wood
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